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Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:58 pm
by jdiegel
Since it seems Nevrax would like to see more single race, while many players like multi race, I thought I would ask what everyones thoughts about this are in regards to roleplaying, just hanging with friends, fame ratings, and the story line.

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:22 pm
by jenuviel
jdiegel wrote:Since it seems Nevrax would like to see more single race, while many players like multi race, I thought I would ask what everyones thoughts about this are in regards to roleplaying, just hanging with friends, fame ratings, and the story line.
I think I prefer the idea of single-race guilds. It creates more of an "us versus them" mentality, which seems to support the lore. The Matis thwapped the Trykers around with an iron fist, so it seems odd to imagine a group of happy harvesting Tryker/Matis duos. The Matis use science to twist nature into their own vision of perfection, which obviously is a serious issue for the Zorai. Every race has another race (or more) that they despise, so collective guilds seem inappropriate.

That said, not everybody is into lore or roleplaying. I'd even go so far as to say that there are plenty of people who have no idea what any of the lore even -is-. If said people manage to get through the Prime Roots and want to spend their time in large, multi-racial guilds, it's fine with me. There's enough room in MMOs for the majority of playstyles to fit comfortably.

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:42 pm
by amcyr
I think the concept of multi-racial guilds can still fit into the role-play arena.
My own take on this is that the younger generation of homins are putting aside the hatreds and suspicions of the older generation, sorta like the hippie generation promoting Love and Peace during the Vietnam war. Setting up multi-racial guilds is a kind of rebellion against the existing authorities, and a normal expression of youthful idealism.

Out of Cavern Explorer

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:48 pm
by jdiegel
I'm curious to see what will happen with a muli race guilds fame ratings. Will everyone love them and wave cheerfully as they walk by or hate them and attack on sight.

I know Pilgrims is already accounting for this, which I did think was cool btw, but I wonder what will happen to those that don't. You know somebody won't...

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:57 pm
by kayeffem
i dont see any benefit to a multi-racial guild unless the guild would recieve different fame standings based on it's race members. That being said the only other advantage would be using items of a different race.

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:35 pm
by korin77
Not every person is the same. This is true in real life as it is in the game. Just because there is a past history between the races doesn't mean there aren't people of both races who are friends. This happens often and is the basis for future stories. I thought the whole storyline was that all the races have to unite together to fight the kitin threat? This would require that all the races work together. A multi-racial guild is the first step towards this goal.

As usual, I hate when people tell me how to role play. I chose to play a dark elf in EQ and played on fayereth the high elf island. I had made up a story about how I was actually a high elf that was colored blue by my parents who were spies in dark elf land. I even built up factions with the high elves and the dwarfs so I had the ability to go into their cities. Still people come up to me and told me that I was not role playing correctly. Let me play the game my way. You can play the game however you want.

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:12 pm
by jdiegel
I didn't create this thread to bash the way anyone roleplays. Honestly, I was more interested in the Fame impacts than any of the other stuff. I just threw that in there to broaden the topic. Please don't feel like you have to defend any way you choose to play the game.

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:17 pm
by jeska
A agree with Amcyr. I think that multi-race guilds fit well along with story. There has to be -some- rebellious people out there :)

As for fame, I was wondering the same. Maybe some day we'll get an answer to that ;)

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:15 pm
by caoltie2
I am seriously into the role playing of on line games and highly enjoy the lore and building a char around it, but I have found in most games that when you feel this way you tend to form relationships with others who feel the same as well as other guilds who enjoy the same type of play.

I do not feel that doing so is the only right way to play the game, to each his or her own, as long as everyone is having fun and not disturbing others. But the one thing that I find odd about multi race guilds is the way that we are seperated in the world. I know that those who are higher lvl than I will mostlikely be interacting in a face to face manner with the other races soon if they are not already. But I think that for a majority of players that has not happened yet and I do not know if I myself could join a guild where I have not seen, hunted interacted with others face to face.

I have been playing one character from each race and am planning on getting them all up to a decent lvl before I head for the main lands and then I will see which character I enjoy the most and I am sure that will be determined by the guild that I end up joining. But since I am still just in the starter lands I might be wrong and multi race guilds are able to interact much easier than I think they can.

Again I say as long as you are having fun and not disrubting other players I think that both guilds are fine, but again I do think that single race guilds will end up interacting more with each other then with multiclass guilds.

Re: Single vs Multi race guilds

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:27 pm
by jivalax
I think there have been many good posts here already. I came to the thread with all the retoric of how the whites used blacks as slaves, how the romans used the europeans, and how the chinese thought everyone who was not chinese was a barabarian. Still in our world today we all get along to some degree, as individuals if not as societies. If we cannot do the same in a game, what does that say for us?

Thankfully I see most people have their opinions but are open to others having differnet ideas. That is the start isn't it. Wonderful to see. We chose to run a multi race guild. Always have in every game, always will. Fame is an issue though. We are carefully observing our Karavan/Kami fame. It seems those directly oppose eachother, and so must be moderated. While our individual players may have High/Low fame ratings, we are trying to keep the guild more neutral. We know this means we will have some limited mission options, but we hope we will have some additional options as well.