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WoW Refugee lookin' for a home

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:38 pm
by alvaris
I signed up for the trial last night and I've got to say, I'm impressed. I came from WoW as the title says, and while my guild over there are great people, the game has just become an incedibly boring grindfest.

I saw that events and large scale invasions happen, and I read in another thread that they don't happen that often. When was the last big event?

Also, I've read that you can't "Gimp" yourself, but it does seem that with all the available actions that you could run out of SP before you buy everything, is that the case?

Anyways, I'm enjoying the game so far, and seriously considering subscribing. Wish I didn't have to leave my WoW guild though (Stupid paycheck not big enough to support 2 MMO's)...

Re: WoW Refugee lookin' for a home

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 5:00 pm
by acridiel
Hy there!
Welcome to Atys and enjoy your stay. :)

Nope in the later levels there are more then enough SP. Still got over 600 left in magic for example...

Large Events aren´t that often, as they are in the real World, but will hopefully become more frewuent once RyzomRing is up and running. *gleee*

For some nice Event Movies look here.
Or browse my site a bit, there´s some cool Event footage in between the other Movies ;)


Re: WoW Refugee lookin' for a home

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 5:06 pm
by alvaris
acridiel wrote:Nope in the later levels there are more then enough SP. Still got over 600 left in magic for example...
Good to know, thanks :)

Re: WoW Refugee lookin' for a home

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:43 pm
by qatzer
Hi :)

If it's any consolation, I kept my WoW account running for a while because I was reluctant to cancel it, but after playing Ryzom for a month or so I have even less interest in WoW than I had before (I wasn't sure that was possible lol), and cancelled my account a couple nights ago because I'm not going to bore myself playing it anymore now that I have a Ryzom subscription.

I haven't participated in any huge events yet, but we have a guild meeting every Monday and Thursday, and I have to say we sure have some imaginative people, last night's event was really good fun :)

If you find yourself a good guild you should have more than enough to keep you occupied and enjoying yourself !