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New Player questions

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:15 pm
by lylyth
Hello all I have been playing MMo's since waaaayyy back in the AC 1 days, and have a few questions about this game as I'm stuck at work and can't play :)

First, is the english speaking community large? I'm not against other languages but am not good at them so i was a bit concerned to see the main page default as French.

Second, what is a good east coast america timeframe server to try? I'd hate to pick a server that was dead at the times I normally play.

I have played AC1, DAOC, SWG, EQ2, COH, COV, and WOW, and I am currently bored to tears with EQ2 and COV/H. I am desperately looking for a new MMO to interest me. I hope this is it it certainly looks interesting from what I can tell.

Sorry if this is a massive repeat of earlier threads, but my work connection is very slow and I cant keep scrollign through pages of forrums to find if Im reasking the same questions and remain employed :)


Re: New Player questions

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:24 pm
by vguerin
There is only one English server so language won't be a problem. Aristople will be your home on Atys.

Re: New Player questions

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:31 pm
by kiexa

fix for french as default on the website, worked for me :)

Re: New Player questions

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:16 pm
by gonesolo
I'm only new to Ryzom but like you have been playing MMORPGS for a while.

Been playing now for about a week but I have to say Ryzom has quickly found a nice place in my heart. The community is great and then english speaking community seems pretty large (although I'm still only on the starter island at the moment there are usually quite a few players around)

i'm a bit of a night bird myself so can often be found at my PC at 4/5/6am GMT and still found a lot of players online at these times.

The game is very enjoyable and presents a nice challenge even for begining quests. Nothing is handed to you but the community are very helpful, a quick "shout" to those around you will usually end up with someone volunteering to help quite quickly.

The skill based system is very enjoyable and I'm enjoying the fact that you can mix and match as much or as little as you want of each "trade".

My advice give Ryzom a try, I'd be fairly sure you'll enjoy your time here.

Re: New Player questions

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:11 pm
by zerker75
I have played most of what you mentioned, DAOC before this game.

Hit me up for some crafter items, c u IG.
