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Crash du jeu [Résolu]

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:22 am
by dedrak1
Depuis ce matin, quand je veux lancer le jeu, il plante, et m'affiche un rapport d'erreur que voici :

A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Date: 2006/07/24 11:12:49
File: R:\code\ryzom\src_v2\client\connection.cpp
Line: 557
FuncName: <Unknown>
Reason: connection : FS refused the connection (Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for (11004: )).

Log with no filter:
2006/07/24 11:12:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 client.cpp 509 : Connection of Ryzom...
2006/07/24 11:12:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 connection.cpp 264 : PROFILE: 0 seconds (0 total) for Loading continents
2006/07/24 11:12:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 connection.cpp 271 : Using the nel launcher parameters '2565C153|EF3BBC71|00040030' ''
2006/07/24 11:12:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ff8 audio_mixer_user.cpp 1843 : Loading samples bank ui_outgame...
2006/07/24 11:12:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 sample_bank.cpp 252 : Loading sample bank ui_outgame
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(FY_HOM_idle_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_pose_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_body_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_visage_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_course_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_view_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_FY_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_MA_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_TR_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_ZO_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_select_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(FY_HOF_A_idle_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_pose_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_body_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_visage_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_course_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_view_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_FY_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_MA_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_TR_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_ZO_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_select_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(screen_fyros_1.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(screen_fyros_2.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(branch.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(branch.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 connection.cpp 301 : PROFILE: 1 seconds (1 total) for Initializing outgame
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 connection.cpp 355 : PROFILE: 0 seconds (2 total) for Initializing user interface
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 connection.cpp 357 : PROFILE: 2 seconds for connection
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimInLag' in the file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimInPacketLost' in the file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutLag' in the file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutPacketLost' in the file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutPacketDuplication' in the file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutPacketDisordering' in the file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 login_cookie.h 92 : LC: setFromString 2565C153|EF3BBC71|00040030 -> '2565C153|EF3BBC71|00040030', isValid: 1
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 network_connection.cpp 435 : Network initialisation with front end '' and cookie '2565C153|EF3BBC71|00040030'
2006/07/24 11:12:33 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 network_connection.cpp 380 : Half-frequency mode
2006/07/24 11:12:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ff8 config_file.cpp 398 : CF: Adding config file 'C:/Jeux/Ryzom/gamedev.bnp@shards.cfg' in the config file
2006/07/24 11:12:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ff8 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(C:/Jeux/Ryzom/gamedev.bnp): file not found
2006/07/24 11:12:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 common.cpp 565 : Exception will be launched: Path not found for C:/Jeux/Ryzom/gamedev.bnp
2006/07/24 11:12:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 network_connection.cpp 630 : There's no shards.cfg, or bad file format, can't copy common files
2006/07/24 11:12:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 network_connection.cpp 633 : CNET[01488578]: Connecting to '' with cookie ''2565C153|EF3BBC71|00040030''
2006/07/24 11:12:49 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ff8 inet_address.cpp 242 : LNETL0: Network error: resolution of hostname '' failed
2006/07/24 11:12:49 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ff8 sock.cpp 117 : LNETL0: Exception will be launched: Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for (11004: )
2006/07/24 11:12:49 client_ryzom_rd.exe ERR ff8 connection.cpp 557 : connection : FS refused the connection (Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for (11004: )).
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 262192
ShardId: 0
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 1h 51min 31sec
LocalTime: 2006/07/24 11:12:49
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotConnected
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: Français
PatchVersion: 502
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 286MB/1023MB
Process Virtual Memory: 268MB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.86GHz / x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8 / GenuineIntel / 1866MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: afe9fbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: Direct3d / ati2dvag.dll / ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 (Omega 3.8.252) / \\.\DISPLAY1 / driver version :
3DCard: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 (Omega 3.8.252) , version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 0
Available tracks: 32
Used tracks: 0
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 0 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 32 / 32
Average update time: 0.000003 msec
Average create time: 0.000000 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000142%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 31
2d hw buffers: 32

J'ai donc fait donc un ryzom_recover, et là pas de fenètre NEL, mais juste le message de windows disant que le jeu a rencontré un prlbème et doit fermer.
Je quitte donc le jeu, je le relance, et la fenètre de crach NEL revient...

Ce la fait déjà 3 fois d'affilée que je fais la même chose, et ça ne marche toujours pas.

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? Merci d'avance...

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:45 am
by uhuhu
Essaye de faire 5 recovers de suite, des fois ca regle le probleme..

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:13 am
by dedrak1
Je viens de faire les 5 recovers de suite, et j'ai toujours le même problème. En plus, je ne peux plus aller sur le klients, un message me dit que l'adresse du canal ( est invalide...

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:55 am
by rosenal1
Je crois qu'on a le meme probleme apres avoir accepter
ca affiche ca et pour le Klient je ne peux pas me co non plus

A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Date: 2006/07/24 12:51:49
File: R:\code\ryzom\src_v2\client\connection.cpp
Line: 557
FuncName: <Unknown>
Reason: connection : FS refused the connection (Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for (11004: )).

Log with no filter:
2006/07/24 12:51:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 client.cpp 509 : Connection of Ryzom...
2006/07/24 12:51:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 connection.cpp 264 : PROFILE: 0 seconds (0 total) for Loading continents
2006/07/24 12:51:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 connection.cpp 271 : Using the nel launcher parameters '09B7CB53|62C22E15|00033E42' ''
2006/07/24 12:51:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 911a4 audio_mixer_user.cpp 1843 : Loading samples bank ui_outgame...
2006/07/24 12:51:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 sample_bank.cpp 252 : Loading sample bank ui_outgame
2006/07/24 12:51:31 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(FY_HOM_idle_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_pose_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_body_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_visage_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_course_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_view_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_FY_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_MA_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_TR_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_ZO_HOM_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOM_select_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(FY_HOF_A_idle_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_pose_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_body_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_visage_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_course_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_view_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_FY_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_MA_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_TR_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_ZO_HOF_species_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(CP_HOF_select_face.anim): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(screen_fyros_1.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(screen_fyros_2.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(branch.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:32 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(branch.tga): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 connection.cpp 301 : PROFILE: 2 seconds (2 total) for Initializing outgame
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 connection.cpp 355 : PROFILE: 0 seconds (2 total) for Initializing user interface
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 connection.cpp 357 : PROFILE: 2 seconds for connection
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimInLag' in the file 'D:/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimInPacketLost' in the file 'D:/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutLag' in the file 'D:/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutPacketLost' in the file 'D:/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutPacketDuplication' in the file 'D:/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 config_file.cpp 789 : CF: Setting callback to reload the variable 'SimOutPacketDisordering' in the file 'D:/Ryzom/client.cfg' when modified externally (currently unknown)
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 login_cookie.h 92 : LC: setFromString 09B7CB53|62C22E15|00033E42 -> '09B7CB53|62C22E15|00033E42', isValid: 1
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 network_connection.cpp 435 : Network initialisation with front end '' and cookie '09B7CB53|62C22E15|00033E42'
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 network_connection.cpp 380 : Half-frequency mode
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 911a4 config_file.cpp 398 : CF: Adding config file 'D:/Ryzom/gamedev.bnp@shards.cfg' in the config file
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 911a4 path.cpp 504 : PATH: CPath::lookup(D:/Ryzom/gamedev.bnp): file not found
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 common.cpp 565 : Exception will be launched: Path not found for D:/Ryzom/gamedev.bnp
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 network_connection.cpp 630 : There's no shards.cfg, or bad file format, can't copy common files
2006/07/24 12:51:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 network_connection.cpp 633 : CNET[01488578]: Connecting to '' with cookie ''09B7CB53|62C22E15|00033E42''
2006/07/24 12:51:49 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 911a4 inet_address.cpp 242 : LNETL0: Network error: resolution of hostname '' failed
2006/07/24 12:51:49 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 911a4 sock.cpp 117 : LNETL0: Exception will be launched: Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for (11004: )
2006/07/24 12:51:49 client_ryzom_rd.exe ERR 911a4 connection.cpp 557 : connection : FS refused the connection (Socket error: Hostname resolution failed for (11004: )).
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 212546
ShardId: 0
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 1h 55min 25sec
LocalTime: 2006/07/24 12:51:49
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotConnected
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: Français
PatchVersion: 502
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 1378MB/2047MB
Process Virtual Memory: 245MB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ / x86 Family 15 Model 47 Stepping 2 / AuthenticAMD / 2211MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 78bfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: OpenGL / NVIDIA Corporation / GeForce 7800 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! / 2.0.1
3DCard: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 0
Available tracks: 32
Used tracks: 0
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 0 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 32 / 32
Average update time: 0.000019 msec
Average create time: 0.000000 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000405%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 47
2d hw buffers: 32

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:05 am
by snakke47
Il y'a des soucis actuellement apparament , j'ai le meme je suis avec Mayronn sur le klientsp our essayer de le resoudre

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:13 am
by rosenal1
Tenez-nous au courrant SVP car nous, nous n'avons même pas accès au KLIENT

On ne sait même pas si quelqu’un s’occupe de ça

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:19 am
by nelll
j'ai le même problème..!!!!...pas d'accès au crash du jeu juste avant le choix du perso ....merci d'avance pour les réponses pouvant aider a résoudre les ennuis.. :)

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:27 am
by cyrille5
Une methode de boeuf en attendant la réparation du pb :
Ouvrir le fichier hosts (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) avec bloc note et rajouter les lignes suivantes :

Attention le fichier est proteger en ecriture ! n'oublier pas de le deproteger. Normalement ca devrait un peu mieux marcher.

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:33 am
by rosenal1
cyrille5 wrote:...
Attention le fichier est proteger en ecriture ! n'oublier pas de le deproteger. ....

euh !!! Ça veut dire quoi ? Il y a des risques d’explosion ? On déprotége comment ? Merci de ton aide mais je n'ai pas fais d’école de sabotage en informatique supérieur :p !!!

Re: Crash du jeu

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:35 am
by cyrille5
bouton droit sur le fichier et decocher "proteger en ecriture". C'est juste une protection pour eviter que l'on ecrive sur ce fichier par erreur :)

Par contre des que tout redeviendra normal, tu pourras supprimer ces lignes