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Monster loot - good or bad?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:22 pm
by xmojo
Hi, first time retail Ryzom player, I did play the beta for while back in the day. Back in beta, monster loot consisted only of resources (hides, meat, etc). Has this changed or stayed the same? Do monsters also drop weapons/armor/items and any magical stuff?

Can a solo player live off monster loot alone, or does all equipment have to purchased off NPC and/or player traders?

Last question: are there dungeons to explore in Ryzom???

Re: Monster loot - good or bad?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:13 pm
by mikadou
No dungeons. The Prime Roots are a pretty cool place to crawl around in, it's kinda 'dungeon-esque' from what I've seen. Equipment is crafted only.

You make friends with Crafters for the uber loots. Or make your own. :)
Of course, the uber bosses\zones that require teams, are how the Crafters get the stuff to make the uber loots to begin with, so Hunters have stuff do to too.