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New player, questions about roles

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:03 pm
by olepi
Hi all, I'm a new player with experience on other MMORPG's. I like to play characters that "multi-class" or are "jack of all trades", and I also like to craft. So I think this will be fun :)

Here are my questions:
- are blind, root, etc, type spells good? I tend to like to do some "crowd control" , is it worth it in the early game?
- I'm tending to pull with magic, and finish off with melee. I get XP in both for each kill. Is that a good way to level? or should I concentrate on just melee or magic at the beginning?
- is there a quick way to tell if an enemy is really dangerous? like the "con" system in some other games?

Re: New player, questions about roles

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:05 pm
by pugmak
Just sayin hihi and welcome aboard :)

I've never gotten very deep into magikin stuff with any of my chars so I'll leave off answering your questions.

Re: New player, questions about roles

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:14 pm
by jamela
Welcome to Atys, Olepi :)

Afflictions are very handy spells but I wouldn't call them crowd control - afflictions only work so long as you maintain a link (and a couple of seconds after that breaks). Casting another spell will break any link you've made so controlling a crowd of more than one is a bit difficult :D

Pulling with magic, finishing with melee is a perfectly sound way to go at first, but you're likely to run into problems later on when you try that on social animals.

The Ryzom con system shows itself in your target window. Select a target and it will be graded by colour (0-20 green, 0-50 blue, 50-100 yellow, 100-150 orange, 150-200 red, 200+ purple - roughly) and stars (1* to 5* white then 1* and 2* black for individuals), but this is an absolute rating and not relative to your own abilities. The quickest way to tell if something is dangerous is to attack it :)

Re: New player, questions about roles

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:42 pm
by katriell
olepi wrote:- are blind, root, etc, type spells good? I tend to like to do some "crowd control" , is it worth it in the early game?
Root and Fear are great on yelks. I didn't know solo affliction could be so fun until I played an alt in Silan.
olepi wrote:- is there a quick way to tell if an enemy is really dangerous? like the "con" system in some other games?
See the link in my signature.

Welcome. :)

Re: New player, questions about roles

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:57 am
by olepi
Thanks for the help! :)

If I cast a Blind on an enemy, I do or do not need to hold still to keep a link? or does the Blind do something for X seconds afterwards? I am a big believer in "debuffing", or afflicting the enemy as an offensive strategy :cool:

Re: New player, questions about roles

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:27 am
by jamela
Provided you make a link that doesn't break immediately anyway, at early levels you will break it as soon as you move. It's my experience that the higher my affliction level gets, the more I can walk around, and then run, without breaking a link. Blind effects last maybe 2 seconds after a link breaks. Can be great as an enchantment on a melee weapon, especially with multiple melees.