vguerin wrote:Ranged weapons are a blast and a bear... It needs some DEV love real bad but it is something you should try for sure.
Ranged weapons are a blast, I agree. And a beer to the ranged weapons, too, cheers!
Maybe I have a rifle fetish, too, which I don't think I have, I just happen to like them (mostly) the way they are.
There are some not-(yet?)-implemented stats on weapons and ammo (speed and range on ammunition, damage on weapons), which may or may not make sense. I can live with the fact that my rifle, however much damage bonus it might have, doesn't have any influence on the damage of a hit; it only depends on the ammunition used. The same goes for the ammo speed stat, it simply has no influence, cadence is solely a function of the weapon stats.
I agree that ammunition is a bit on the heavy side, but then, the launcher is just that, a launcher, and one doesn't carry a hundred launcher missiles in a backpack. Maybe make the ratio of used mats to produced missiles more "realistic", i.e. use more mats for the same amount of missiles, and give them a bit more "hunk", but then, maybe not, I haven't played much with the launcher yet.
On the other hand, I really like the more "personal" weapons, pistol and rifle. Both allow me to solo adversaries much stronger than I am. I don't know if one can solo enemies 30+ levels above one's melee level, my range skills are way above my melee or magic skills
It helps to be able to at least craft your own ammunition, if not the weapons, but it might be easy to find someone to craft it for you if you supply the materials. If you are in a guild, ammunition may (should?) even be readily available.
All in all, I wouldn't say range is broken, it's just special; not to everyone's taste... and that's part of why I like it. It's not just a third way of fighting, it's a very own philosophy of fighting