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skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:02 pm
by aliend
I just started the game so far I have been working in all 4 skill trees: fight, magic, craft, forage. And I see no sort of limit so that people can't be weapons master/uber mage/master artisan/expert explorer. Is there any limit to the number of skill points you can use overall, or something making it difficult to be a multi-class or anything?
Also, it says in the game that by wearing armor you make your magic less effective. How does it do that and is it less severe if you wear weaker armor?
Anyway thank you to whomever answers this ^_^
Re: skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:14 pm
by jamela
Welcome to Atys, Aliend

aliend wrote:Is there any limit to the number of skill points you can use overall, or something making it difficult to be a multi-class or anything?
No. Except that the trainers eventually get fed up with you and refuse to show you anything else to learn with your skill points.
When items are equipped they apply a Malus to your actions. Light armour has none, medium armour has 10 per piece and heavy armour 20. Well the numbers are something like that

One-handed weapons have a malus of 10, two-handed have 20. Say that you're wearing 5 pieces of heavy and you try to cast a spell bare-handed, for a total malus of 100, then it will cost you about 100% more Sap, HP and time and have a much shorter range (half?) than if you were naked or wearing only light armour (zero malus). The malus is fixed for each type of item and entirely independent of the quality.
Re: skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:18 pm
by aliend
cool, thank you. I kind of wish there was some sort of limiting factor. Otherwise it kind of turns into: who can grind out the most skills is the most powerful. One last question though. Does it limit the effectiveness of the spell, or just the cost and range?
Re: skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:26 pm
by jamela
Perhaps I misunderstood your skill point question - take a look in
this thread.
I don't think the malus affects the spells strength no, but it's effectiveness is kinda dependent upon everything

Speed can be absolutely critical.
Re: skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:02 pm
by ghyselsj
jamela wrote:
When items are equipped they apply a Malus to your actions. Light armour has none, medium armour has 10 per piece and heavy armour 20. Well the numbers are something like that

One-handed weapons have a malus of 10, two-handed have 20. Say that you're wearing 5 pieces of heavy and you try to cast a spell bare-handed, for a total malus of 100, then it will cost you about 100% more Sap, HP and time and have a much shorter range (half?) than if you were naked or wearing only light armour (zero malus). The malus is fixed for each type of item and entirely independent of the quality.
Medium Armor is +5 per piece, with +24 for a full set of 5 pieces (Weird? I know. But according to Nevrax, 5x5 = 24

Daggers are +10
1-hand weapons +30
2-hand weapons +50
Bucklers are +30, shields +50
Range weapons are same as melee ones, with pistol/bowpistol being 1H, the rest 2H.
Edit: and afaik more malus doesnt directly influence spell power, but does influence your chance to only do partial damage or fail your incantation completely. Not 100% sure tho.
Re: skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:08 pm
by katriell
Otherwise it kind of turns into: who can grind out the most skills is the most powerful.
Not really. For example, while you're dual-wielding daggers it doesn't matter what your defensive affliction magic skill is. While you're healing, it doesn't matter what your rifle skill is. The only exception to this is that melee skill trees give you more opportunities to upgrade your Constitution. So someone who has maxed a melee tree has more HP than, say, someone who has only focused on elemental magic and still has their melee at level 38.
Re: skill tree question...
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:24 pm
by rushin
aliend wrote:cool, thank you. I kind of wish there was some sort of limiting factor. Otherwise it kind of turns into: who can grind out the most skills is the most powerful.
there are those that powerlevel hard, and that have been playing since lauch almost 2 years ago - no one has got vaguely close to mastering everything.
but the game is so not about being the most powerful, it's about living in the world