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Crafting with options assistance

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:34 am
by rollabob
I have run into a snag while working on my crafting quests.I reached the step where I ws required to purchase the hp boost option and the quest giver wants me to craft several pieces of armor to complete this mission step.The problem is I can't seem to find a way to incorporate this newly purchased option into the armor pieces I make.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Crafting with options assistance

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:43 am
by calel
rollabob wrote:I have run into a snag while working on my crafting quests.I reached the step where I ws required to purchase the hp boost option and the quest giver wants me to craft several pieces of armor to complete this mission step.The problem is I can't seem to find a way to incorporate this newly purchased option into the armor pieces I make.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Plain simple; it works just as all the other stanzas. ;)

Rightclick on the icon of your armour crafting skill and choose edit skill.
In there you have the armourcrafting 1 stanza which functions as a credit (as in pays for the cost). Now click add option, and a little drop-down menu should apear. In there you' ll find your different kinds of boosts. In this case I' m assuming you only have HP boost 1, so select it. The cost of the HP boost should automatically be paid for by your armourcrafting 1 credit.
Last; click Learn action.

There you go; from now on you' ll craft with a HP boost when you use your armourcrafting skill. ;)

Re: Crafting with options assistance

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:02 pm
by hacnshot
And take this small note for later on:

You'll notice that the quality level of your craft actually is a CREDIT - yes, the main building component part (the overall PLAN) is a credit (-10 credit points a level, up to a max of -250 credit points at max crafting level) and the boost options are options (+5 to selected total of HP/sap/stamina/focus per level, at 10 option points a level). That means that at most, the overall boost you can get on a specific item, combining all of your stuff, is 125 points, if you're maxed. (if you get enough points to get that... I still only have the level 1 HP boost, like you, and I'm level 30 armour and 28 melee crafting.) So you could have 75 HP and 50 sap for light armour for mages, and stuff like that, but not 125 of each.

Re: Crafting with options assistance

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:49 pm
by rollabob
Thanks very much for the information.I've only been playing for about a day so I was still a little confused on how stanzas work.I'm not sure if I missed a particular npc conversation but is there a specific part of the tutorial process that explains working with stanzas?If not perhaps its something I should post to suggestions since it is a little complex to learn alone for the starting player.

Once again I thank you for the replies.Of all the mmo's i've played over the years and there have been many this has got to be the most positive community I have ever encountered.

Re: Crafting with options assistance

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:13 pm
by jamela
Welcome Rollabob :)

The starter quests are all relatively new so knowledge on those specifically is much poorer than general game knowledge. Ask around, /tell Jamela, or some other character you've seen reply on these forums, and you'll very likely get all the help you like.

I think that the extremely concise information about exactly how things work in Ryzom is a big part of why the community here is very good. People here always tried to work things out, they talked to each other and compared notes, complained and argued, and are still puzzled about some things, I'm very happy to say :D