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So what happens..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:12 am
by hamuf
Anything I should know about mainland when leaving newbie island?

I'm a tryker, so I would spawn to some tryker place on mainland?

Re: So what happens..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:21 am
by schuttek
yep, Fairhaven to be exact, welcome to the Lakelands :)

I'd suggest to roam around town for a bit, speak to any NPC that'll talk to you...

Once you're out here, though, be aware that:

- Gameplay isn't directed by missions as it is in Ruins of Silan. There are missions to gain faction or money, and while they'll often encourage you to explore, there aren't really any mission chains like there are in Silan.

- Mobs can get hard fast. Turn a wrong corner, and you can quickly be surrounded by predators 30 levels higher than you...

The great thing about Lakelands is that while swimming, you can go pretty much anywhere without catching aggro. If you find a new mob, test out how it's aggro works, how hard it hits, then jump back into the water if you can't take it down :)

and... if you're looking for quality 50+ items, you'll have to travel north, north east to Crystabell or Avendale for it's traders. Fairhaven is limited to ql 50. Take a moment to study your map :)

Re: So what happens..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:18 am
by pugmak
also, except for yubos, mobs are social on the mainland. So, if you walk up into a herd of peaceful "non aggro" critters and bash one on the nose, all those that notice it will take offense and do their best to kick your head in.

Taunt is your friend.

Re: So what happens..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 9:57 am
by thlau
schuttek wrote: and... if you're looking for quality 50+ items, you'll have to travel north, north east to Crystabell or Avendale for it's traders. Fairhaven is limited to ql 50. Take a moment to study your map :)
Welcome to the Lakelands

It is true that you find higher quality stuff in Crystabel (upto q150) and Avendale (up to q250), or Windermeer (upto q200). But you will find upto to q50 items at Farimarket Fork, and q100 Items at Eastmarket in Fairhaven, for Jewlery check Windy Head for q50 or Frogmore Place for q100.


Re: So what happens..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:01 am
by hamuf
Thank you for such fast response :) . Not sure if I'm ready for mainland, I'm currently 37 fighter, 34 magic, 26 craft and 27 harvesting (forage).

Some say that its best to get to 50 on some of those before going to mainland, but I'm already having these itchy kind of feelings to try it out on mainland :D

Re: So what happens..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:23 am
by pugmak
Actually, there's a real easy test to take that'll tell you if you're ready to jump over to the mainland.

Here it is.

1. Are you starting to get bored on newbielandia?
2. Curious about what's on the mainland?
3. ... umm...forgot that one.

Seriously tho, about the only thing I'd really consider slowing up the jump for might be your current dappers.

It's nice to be able to stop by the stables right when you get to mainlandia and buy yourself at least a low end mektub to act as your bank. Those go for around 150k or so.

It's also nice to have another 100k or so for a spending spree on new armors and weapons and such to celebrate leaving the kiddie pool.

But, you can definitely get by just fine on the big kids side of the world without those things on your first-est days in your new home.

Mobs in the mainland go from suckling yubo and up, so regardless of where you are when you jump over, you'll have hunting opportunities.