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Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:48 am
by dhavrin1
I am new and I am confused!
Befuddled even!
My wife and I are playing on the new island, which is absolutely breathtaking. We are having fun but we can't seem to determine the qualifications for level variances in a group.
For instance, right now we group and we both attack and kill something, and I get experience and she doesn't. Now... we disbanded and levelled her up some (I was a level 13 magician when she started out, so we thought the level difference was blocking her experience).
So, then she was aprox. level 8ish and we grouped again and again I got experience and she didn't.
Now, I was/am very tired (worked 90 hours in the past 6 days
) and so I am sure we are overlooking something obvious (whatever it is, it can NOT be her fault... she's almost 8 months pregnant and I am truly afraid of her for the first time in 15+ years! lol ), so I hope that you will all forgive me if I am missing the obvious, but I am pretty sure she was connecting with her dagger and I was definitely connecting with my spells... and we were grouped... and I would get experience and she wouldn't.
Now I am leery about playing on nights when she can't for fear of levelling my skills too far ahead of her.
Is there a certain level variance allowed for experience sharing in a group?
Is there any sort of "rule of thumb" about grouping levels.
Thanks in advance for any info
I'll check back tomorrow morning!
*falls to the floor... snoring*
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:56 am
by lankin
did she attack and hit the mob? was she healing you? more information please
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:02 am
by katriell
It should work if you are both hitting (or healing during combat, as the case may be) and teamed. There are no rules about levels in teams except that the animal you are hunting should be higher than the highest-level member of the team. As long as these requirements are met, a level 20 could team with a level 200.
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:07 am
by dhavrin1
Ok, thanks so much for the fast responses!
I am guessing this is what happened.
At first I was 13 levels higher than her, and I probably attacked things right near the village, which were lower than myself. She was definitely hitting these things but getting no experience due to my level -vs- the mobs level.
Then, later, I was definitely attacking things higher than me, because I was getting good experience. She wasn't getting anything, but maybe she wasn't connecting with her dagger.
We'll try again tomorrow night
Thanks again for the quick and kind responses
I really appreciate it!
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:21 am
by schuttek
If you were around the Ruins of Silan, it's a bit hard to group, since mobs have so little HP and die very quickly, so it's hard to actually have two people do damage at the same time on the same mob.
I'd suggest you two take turns next time on who gets to damage first. Then if you're still seeing this problem that only one of you is getting XP... uhm... well dunno, really...
also make sure to check your combat log (the SYSTEM INFO) window. The text at the bottom of the screen disappears too fast to really see what XP you're getting.
Hope this helps
edit: You'll get XP from a mob until you're about 40 levels higher than the mob, even it's just 10xp or so. If you're 13 and that's the highest level in the group, there shouldn't be any mob that won't award XP.
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:52 am
by dhavrin1
Ok, then she must have been missing the experience in her chat or something.
I'll make sure she has her chat configured.
Either that or she wasn't hitting the mob, which is possible... although I thought she was connecting.
I had a feeling we were wrong.
Thanks again for the help
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:40 am
by pugmak
One of the things to remember in this game, as a rule of thumb; everyone in a team must contribute to the fight in order to gain xp from that fight. You cant join a team, sit off to the side and soak up xp like happens in some game.
I'm not sayin this is the case with y'all, just getting it out there so there's less confusion later.
If you're both still having a hard time syncing in battle to get xp off the same mobs, you might try this.
Un team for a bit. Talk to each other through a tell window which works as well as a team chat window for just 2 folk.
If you dont already have heal 1, sap gift 1 and stam gift 1... you should both consider grinding up magic xp until you do.
This way, you can each take turns acting as heal support for the other.
Also, about magic xp from healing. To get xp for the heals, you have to cast them while the player you are healing teamed up with you and is actually engaged in combat. Any heals thrown out onto a player that's not in your team and currently engaged in combat when the heal cast is thrown will net you no xp.
There's also a max xp that can be earned per fight and I believe that's 3,000 (or is it 3,500 ?). So when you're evaluating xp payout per mob, keep in mind that you cant get more than the max, no matter what risks you take, dp you incure or down time you spend healing up after.
What does that mean actually? Well, if you are wanting to speed grind your friend(s) and/or family up in levels, sometimes it's better to speed kill a mess of one hit wonder mobs and go for xp per minute, rather than higher harder mobs while trying for xp per kill ratios.
It probably sounds all wierd and complicated but you'll get the hang of it pretty quick and once you do, it really does tend to make sense... mostly.
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:11 am
by jamela
Phezule wrote:...I am pretty sure she was connecting with her dagger and I was definitely connecting with my spells...
When you connect with a melee weapon the weapon leaves a
light trail rather like a light-sabre. There may still be some times or weapons which don't show this effect but if you do see the trail you've definitely scored.
If you're teamed together and both hit then you will both get the same amount of experience - determined by a multiplier based on the mob risk factor, the difference between the level of the mob (the quality level of the quarter will tell you what that is) and the highest skill level successfully used during the fight, then divided equally but limited to 3k each. If you're not teamed then the experience earned goes to whoever did the most damage.
If any skill level used is far too high to gain experience from that mob then when the mob dies you'll see a big orange message across the middle of your screen saying that it was too easy. If you never connect with the mob then you'll never see any message because you effectively weren't involved in taking it down, even if it didn't want to hit anyone else
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:34 am
by sprite
Well since no one has pointed it out yet, you can find an XP Calculator
here courtesy of sidusar and the folks at BM (or you would be able to if the site was up... try again later if it doesn't work for you), and the actual equation for combat xp gained in teams
Re: Please forgive my ignorance...
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:59 pm
by dhavrin1
ohhhh good info!
Thanks so much everyone!