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Journal of Durmin

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:12 pm
by thehead
**The private journal of Durmin. This is something he keeps on his person at all time. It is private a glimpse into his mind. Remember if you meet him in game please does not reference what he has written in his journal during RP as it’s not something another character would know. Thanks and enjoy!**

Journal 3 – Page 1
Ah a fresh journal. A new chronicle of my life, always feels like a new beginning when I start one of these.

Cold this morning, not used to cold, wet too, a dampness, not used to that either. Oh I am well versed in the water gathering ways of my people. Well versed in how to survive where survival is near impossible, but never experienced abundance like this. Curious.

The camp is situated near a precipice. It is large, the size of a decent sized village. A central building manned by the rangers, a Karavan envoy representing the factitious Jena. Powerful as they are, you often wonder how one could devote himself to something unseen; I see my sword that is all I need. Jena or the Kami, like there is some choice, as for me my loyalty lies with those who have the dapper.

The Zorai maintain a lot of control here, not surprising since this is first and foremost a ranger outpost some tall Zorai stands on a hill and seems to oversee the camp. My orders were to speak to him as soon as I arrived. I’ll wait till tomorrow.

The Matis have a small section as well. They huddle close to their blessed Karavan and leer at passersby. Unfortunately they are also the only ones who sell any decent armor in this place, and I am in need so our paths will eventually cross and they can talk down to me and treat me like I am beneath them. I wonder how their disposition would change if they knew my history with their kind.

Fellow Fryos are situated on the far side of the camp, near the Kami, preaching the four pillars while selling weapons to passersby, the Trykers have a section of town as well, that is where I am staying, farther the way the better, hearing the preaching by my people sickens me. All the talk about truth and honor and one and on, the four pillars doesn’t fill a belly.

Either way, its money, beats wandering in the desert.

Re: Journal of Durmin

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:13 pm
by thehead
Journal 3 – Page 2
Busy last few days, I lent assistance around the ruins, doing my part. The signs pointed much deeper than a mean presence of a volatile tribe. Goo lies south of the ruins, good infecting even this part of the land. The lead ranger sent me to deal with a Kami demon to the east, a bit standoffish the small imp instructed me to head though a submerged tunnel deep into an enclosed jungle to the east.

The swim was long, I can barely swim, I should practice more, took me nearly an hour, with me taking small panting break grasping along the tunnel wall. Seems the suspicious were right, Kitins had invaded. Lucky me.

Re: Journal of Durmin

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:14 pm
by thehead
Journal 3 – Page 3
Well I sought something adventurous; a group of us assaulted the Kitins at dawn this morning. I didn’t come all the way back to the ranger’s camp last night, but stayed at a small Karavan outpost just south of the ruins. It was much closer and after exploring the jungle that lay beyond the deep tunnel I felt rest was more important. I did send a message to Chiang the leader of the rangers and he informed me of the little party of warriors he was going to send to help beat this threat back.

A group of four of us, three warriors and some magician healer swam though the tunnel to face this threat head on, kitins, I hate them but I also understand where they are coming from, they were discovered and then attacked. There was no reasoning; they could have been friendly but the Fryos thinking them to be the hero’s decided to take matters into their own hands. Yay us. The rangers didn’t want the Kitin threat eliminated but just pushed back; the group they sent was hardly the size to defeat the threat anyway.

The battle went well, I fell once when the Kitins had us surrounded, knocked unconscious but was nursed back to conscious by the magician, a surly little Tryker female wearing very little in the way of covering. There are much worse things to awake too. Heh.

I will head back to the mainland within a few days. The rangers were pleased that I assisted and the Kitins were driven back, gave me some interesting armor as a reward for helping them, I tried it on, a bit lighter than what I normally wear and I feel a bit on the stuffy side as it’s modeled after some prissy Matis stuff. I do want to spend a little bit of time with the trainer so I’ll put this armor through its paces before I head back to the mainland, what’s decent armor without dents and scratches? Soon it’ll be off to Pyr for me.

Re: Journal of Durmin

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:28 pm
by thehead
Journal 3 - Page 4
I finished up all I need to do here. The ranger leader, Chiang, said he’ll send me off to the mainland as soon as he can. For now I bide my time training, eating and sleeping, which is fine, it’s nice to feel the weight of a sword in my hand and the soreness of the shoulders in the evening.
You know there isn’t a decent place here for a drink? How’s a fellow supposed to relax after fighting kitins?

Re: Journal of Durmin

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:44 am
by aardnebb
OOC: Nice work! Very cool :)

Re: Journal of Durmin

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 9:35 pm
by thehead
Journal 3 - Page 5
Chaing said that the Kami will send me to Pyr whenever I want to get off this island. My work here is done but I am still spending a few more days training. Honestly I am probably lying to myself. I am well trained and I know I am well trained; I just don’t want to go home. I have spent years away from that hole; I’m not looking forward to it, he’s there and I don’t want to see him or even run into him again yet Pyr crawls with his influence.

So I’ll end up in Pyr and I’ll leave, I’ll stay low and out of the way, avoid the old alleys and head to Yrkanis, as much as I don’t like it there, it sure beats sticking around Pyr, decent place to hide and the last place anyone would look. Tomorrow is a new day.

Re: Journal of Durmin

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:08 pm
by evalisa
ooc: Very interestign development