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Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:11 pm
by dethnobl
I'm not sure what the loot system is for the higher level critters but if it scales the same as it is now then that could be a very bad thing for the longevity of the player base.

The potential of the loot system is there but the only real point to killing monsters is selling *materials* and gaining XP. You don't ever find that cool artifact or cool item; that rare drop and so forth.

You'll notice that most, if not all, popular MMORPGs had an uncommon/rare loot type template which gave hunters a reason to go after monsters besides XP or simply selling loot for cash.

The following are some simple suggestions you guys should consider:

1. Armor Imbue Type Loot; Say for example some critters may drop a special item that can be used to imbue armor with further abilities. Like maybe a decrease in weight, increase in damage, increase in protection, etc.

2. An epic collection quest where the Fighter can find and assemble weapons which are very useful against particular critters but maybe not against most. Like for example; Kipee could drop parts that are used to assemble a Kipee Slayer Weapon. It has a very nice increase in damage against kipee but against other critters it is perhaps at 50% to 75% effectiveness compared to weapons of equal damage. Example: A Kipee Slayer Axe maybe 152/152 Damage when assembled; it does an added 25% damage to kipees but against other critters it has a penalty of 25%.

3. Special items that could grant unique abilities in all skill trees when equiped in particular areas; perhaps special skills you cannot purchase can only be found in loot on items. They could have sap loads and what not. Example would be a new Harvesting skill that grants +1 to the material of same quality harvested when extracting; so if you were gonna pull 3 materials of Choice quality 97 Sap you'd instead pull 4 of 97 if you are successful. Earrings of Extra Material perhaps?

There are many options and lemme know if you guys read this. I'll give you more suggestions if you want them but here are a few to ponder for now.


Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:20 pm
by jhaan
The problem is that you start to encourage camping spawns when uber items only drop from certain mobs.

Once the quest system gets put in, we may see some good rewards for completing quests.


Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:24 pm
by stygeon
In regards to your suggestions:

1. Armor imbuements ... SWG cloth tapes. Go give it a shot if that is what you want.

2. Epic's ... I think that would be EQ.

Point is yes other mmorpg's have something ... why does this one have to have something? So there will be camping? So you can run off to ebay to make your 15 dollars to keep playing ?

Sorry but honestly ... this game has great potential. Let the devs flesh out their ideas first. I'm sure they have something up their sleeves and hopefully it will be far different than anything out there.


Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:55 am
by jclifton
Lots of things can be added to the game for loot that dont effect gameplay or crafters. Lots of fluffy cosmetic items such as weapon/armor dye, hair dye, decorations for your apartment (if you are allowed to let people into your house ever), trophies, clothing etc....

But as the above poster said, this would encourage camping spawns that dropped the specific things that were most in demand.

But i definitely agree that it would at least be more exciting opening a corpse if there was a chance that something uber cool would be in it rather than just sell/grind mats.


Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:13 pm
by kieeps66
I like it how it is. its acctualy realistic. and i like that, I like the fact that you have to save yo afford a armor/wep, so far the animals drop diffrent kinds of material depended on the mob and that i like.... they'w tryed to build it so realistic and i don't think it's very realistic if a Yubo where to dropp a spear... or armor.

I vote for no change


Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:23 pm
by hivewasp
kieeps66 wrote:I vote for no change

Can't aggree more... if people want a loot based system, there are plenty of games out there already.

This is ryzom, not EQ... don't turn Ryzom into EQ :)


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:36 am
by fitzrpg
I don't know about dismissing the idea. Frankly, the poster was right. All the loot I have is pretty much sold off right away.

In Tryker lands, given our lack of q100 harvestable materials on the mainland, q60+ loot was useful for a little while. Now, however, we have people starting to mine the borderlands and this use will fade.

In other lands, I can't imagine anyone would choose fine monster loot over choice harvested materials.

All that is necessary here is to give something through monster loot that has some value other than what an NPC will buy it for. I agree that it shouldn't put harvesters or crafters out of business, but there are many possibilities that would both give hunters a sense of contribution and retain the quality of the game.

Also, there is no need to have 'camping' type situations. Just make all the monsters in a certain area or of a certain type have a % chance of dropping the items. I'm sure this has been done before anyway, AC1 had it if I recall.

One idea might be to have certain cosmetic upgrades that have to be crafted only from certain monster loot.

I'm sure there are other, better ideas that can be implemented.



Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:57 pm
by cerest
Ok, noted in the Feature Wishlist sticky already, I think. If it isn't there already I'll add it.