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Hard Time getting started
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:23 pm
by jacend
Well, after downloading the client 5 times.. 4 times being curropted and a power outage for 5 hours I finally got Ryzom installed and running... and first off, I have to say that the loading messages are awesome... So ammusing
Now, heres where my problem is.. I'm having a real hard time finding mobs I can kill on the newb island.. Even those little cat things are really hard for me, and I tend to die alot... Is there any where specific I can find mobs to kill for exp, or any suggestions? Also, I've noticed for the starter quests.. There is no "quest text" per-say.. I'm used to seeing a NPC talk with a little chat bubble.. telling me what to do.. I'm not seein that here.. am I missing something?
Thanks in Advance!
- Jacend
Re: Hard Time getting started
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:01 am
by katriell
jacend wrote:I'm having a real hard time finding mobs I can kill on the newb island.. Even those little cat things are really hard for me, and I tend to die alot... Is there any where specific I can find mobs to kill for exp, or any suggestions?
The "con" system:
The background color of the little box in the target window indicates a level range.
Green = 1-30
Blue = 1-50
Yellow = 50-100
Orange = 100-150
Red = 150-200
Purple = 200-250
The number next to the star indicates a more precise range.
1* green, for example, would be level 1-10. 2* green, level 10-20. 3* green, 20-30. 3* yellow, 70-80. 2* red, 160-170.
So the animal that ate you probably was level 20-30.
One black star on a colored background is a named mob. Two black stars on a colored background is a boss.
Finally, the quality of the materials you quarter from a mob is the same as its level. For example, q5 or q8 materials from a Suckling or Inexperienced 1* green Yubo.
EDIT: Added that to my signature
jacend wrote:Also, I've noticed for the starter quests.. There is no "quest text" per-say.. I'm used to seeing a NPC talk with a little chat bubble.. telling me what to do.. I'm not seein that here.. am I missing something?
There should be.
Re: Hard Time getting started
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:15 am
by karmelit
Welcome Jacend
Why not try to team up with somebody? Most mobs your level will give you a hard time. A team will definetly be rewarding; you'll be able to hunt mobs with higher level than yourself, and what is more fun than to hunt in a good team?
Re: Hard Time getting started
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:41 pm
by acridiel
jacend wrote: Also, I've noticed for the starter quests.. There is no "quest text" per-say.. I'm used to seeing a NPC talk with a little chat bubble.. telling me what to do.. I'm not seein that here.. am I missing something?
Thanks in Advance!
- Jacend
Could be that you´ve accidentally disabled the "word-bubbels"
Look under Game configuration "in Scene" -> Chat massages, should be anabled
Re: Hard Time getting started
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:46 pm
by jacend
Thanks for the replies ya'll.. That con system information should make it much easier on me

As for getting a team, I try to avoid teaming up my first couple days in a game.. Gives me time to learn the ropes and such on my own
As for the chat bubbles, I'll check to see if I missed with that setting

Re: Hard Time getting started
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:57 am
by pugmak
One hint that might help if you're still having trouble.
for your first few melee levels, stick to mobs whos names start with "suckling" and end with "yubo".