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I'm impressed!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:37 pm
by lupine04
I think this is the first non-open PVP game I've played that didn't have *any* (much less the normal 10 or 15) threads by now, from people proclaiming:

"This game must have open PVP or it will fail! No one will play! Consensual PVP is for carebears!"

Wow... could it be that all the fanatical free-for-all pvp'ers have finally found another game they're satisfied with?

Anyway... just wanted to share that.

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:39 pm
by kierstad
lupine04 wrote:I think this is the first non-open PVP game I've played that didn't have *any* (much less the normal 10 or 15) threads by now, from people proclaiming:

"This game must have open PVP or it will fail! No one will play! Consensual PVP is for carebears!"

Wow... could it be that all the fanatical free-for-all pvp'ers have finally found another game they're satisfied with?

Anyway... just wanted to share that.
LoL they're all playing WoW closed beta.

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:44 pm
by lupine04
Oooooh... okay.

I thought maybe Lineage II.
kierstad wrote:LoL they're all playing WoW closed beta.

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:49 pm
by tetra
lupine04 wrote:I think this is the first non-open PVP game I've played that didn't have *any* (much less the normal 10 or 15) threads by now, from people proclaiming:

"This game must have open PVP or it will fail! No one will play! Consensual PVP is for carebears!"

Wow... could it be that all the fanatical free-for-all pvp'ers have finally found another game they're satisfied with?

Anyway... just wanted to share that.

*targets and backs up 49M from Lupine04*
*opens a worn dusty box marked "beta" and pulls out a dual heal AOE spell*
*chaincasts the healbomb while cackling*

some beta folks will understand it =)

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:09 pm
by lupine04
I'd love to laugh at that.. but I really have no idea what I'd be laughing at. I wasn't there for the birth of that in-joke..

Care to explain? :-D
tetra wrote:*targets and backs up 49M from Lupine04*
*opens a worn dusty box marked "beta" and pulls out a dual heal AOE spell*
*chaincasts the healbomb while cackling*

some beta folks will understand it =)

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:42 pm
by tetra
lupine04 wrote:I'd love to laugh at that.. but I really have no idea what I'd be laughing at. I wasn't there for the birth of that in-joke..

Care to explain? :-D

For a bit during beta, long range AOE heals would nuke people dead :)

Folks would fall over dead wondering what happened and often quickly get rezzed by the same healer :)

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:03 am
by lupine04
tetra wrote:For a bit during beta, long range AOE heals would nuke people dead :)

Folks would fall over dead wondering what happened and often quickly get rezzed by the same healer :)
Niiiiiiice... lol

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:43 am
by mosdef
if this game gets more popular you more than likely will hear it.

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:56 am
by tetra
lupine04 wrote:Niiiiiiice... lol
it was pretty cool since it gave healers a [cartman]YOU WILL RESPECT MAH ATHORITAH!![/cartman] stick to beat people with when they started doing something that was ticking off the healer/leading towards someone getting killed/an overly stressed healer.

Re: I'm impressed!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:12 am
by noback
mosdef wrote:if this game gets more popular you more than likely will hear it.

ironically enough...