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Figured I Should Say Hi

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:53 am
by ragaz
Hi Everyone,

Downloaded the game yesterday but have only had a quick go at it as I didn't have much time after I downloaded it.

After installing it, I decided to just jump in... I have been too lazy to read lore or anything else yet... I think I may do some of that now before I jump in again.

A question I have at the moment and apologies if it has been answered on previous threads

1. The Kits - example - if I start with a fighters kit, crafters kit and harvesters kit, does this mean I am unable to learn any magic related things down the track or can you learn whatever you didn't pick up at the beginning?

I am sure I have other questions, just can't think of them at the moment ;)

Have fun

Re: Figured I Should Say Hi

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:02 am
by thlau
ragaz wrote: 1. The Kits - example - if I start with a fighters kit, crafters kit and harvesters kit, does this mean I am unable to learn any magic related things down the track or can you learn whatever you didn't pick up at the beginning?
Welcome to Atys Ragaz.

No you may learn every skill you want at a later time, you may start learning magic by paying 50 skill points from any skill tree, if I'm right. The most mentioned optimal start kits are magic, craft, harvest as you can fight with out the fight kit and don't need to pay the extra 50 skill points for that tree.
Generaly craft some stuff, sell it and buy a dagger or better a sword, and then start your fighting career ;)

Re: Figured I Should Say Hi

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:02 am
by cloudy97
Nope, you can buy magic as soon as you earned enough skill points in the other trees. Some would say its more "economic" to buy all kits except Fight, since you can learn to fight anyway.

Welcome to Ryzom! :)

EDIT: eek, too slow again!

Re: Figured I Should Say Hi

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:44 am
by rabcaz
Greetings and welcome my friend, it be a pleasure to see you here.
I hope that you will have much adventure and many joyfull moments here with us.

// Drakfot

Re: Figured I Should Say Hi

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:24 am
by ajsuk
Welcome & yeah, you can level anything! Thats one of the great things about this game, if you get tired of working on one skill, you can go right ahead and level something else. :)
Come to the mainland when your comfortable with zee controls, lots more people around to hang out with and answer questions! :D


Re: Figured I Should Say Hi

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:26 pm
by kibsword
Welcome to Atys my friend! *huggles*

Looks like your question has already been answered :P