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HEY I'm In ... well almost

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:19 pm
by davidlee
LOL after all the trouble of being invalikd etc. Finally found the root of my problem, (UHM! won't bring that up ... my own stupididty really... one should always write down there account names etc when having trouble in the early stages hehe)

But now all that is worked out seems to be a little maintenance or patching going on atm 8( .... but that is ok ... I look forward to getting started....

Advice on getting invalid accounts figured out ... make sure support knows your email account you used when creating your account... that is how that got me up ... searched my email account to get my correct account info etc.

I know many of us have multiple e-mail accounts for various reasons, so thought I would mention this here might help some folks get straightened out...

I sent my billing reference number which i was lucky enough to have saved a page that had it on it.... my wrong account name; my invalid serial key; etc but what did the best good was my email address I was using the email that I listed in my account information yeah!

And yes i sent a big Thank you to the support person that was stuck with my never ending letters etc... probably shouldn't have they are surely overwhelmed by unhappy campers like me 8D .... but ... it's probably one of the few things that might keep them going for the next irratant scum bag customer such as myself LOL 80

Have a great day all is good and hope to soon see ya all in game.....

Well when the server comes back up.... LOL

Re: HEY I'm In ... well almost

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:43 pm
by bullough
Welcome to the beutiful game :)

Re: HEY I'm In ... well almost

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:54 pm
by Satchi
davidlee wrote:LOL after all the trouble of being invalikd etc. Finally found the root of my problem, (UHM! won't bring that up ... my own stupididty really... one should always write down there account names etc when having trouble in the early stages hehe)

But now all that is worked out seems to be a little maintenance or patching going on atm 8( .... but that is ok ... I look forward to getting started....

Advice on getting invalid accounts figured out ... make sure support knows your email account you used when creating your account... that is how that got me up ... searched my email account to get my correct account info etc.

I know many of us have multiple e-mail accounts for various reasons, so thought I would mention this here might help some folks get straightened out...

I sent my billing reference number which i was lucky enough to have saved a page that had it on it.... my wrong account name; my invalid serial key; etc but what did the best good was my email address I was using the email that I listed in my account information yeah!

And yes i sent a big Thank you to the support person that was stuck with my never ending letters etc... probably shouldn't have they are surely overwhelmed by unhappy campers like me 8D .... but ... it's probably one of the few things that might keep them going for the next irratant scum bag customer such as myself LOL 80

Have a great day all is good and hope to soon see ya all in game.....

Well when the server comes back up.... LOL
Glad you made it!! Welcome :)