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The Letters
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:11 pm
by 901941
From: Trixie
To: Avila, sashtan, Gamic, Rocci, Kostika, Keena, Kibs, Lyrthis, Jelathnia, Hittite,
Sehraci, Ambika, Zespiole, Sumsum, Biestable, Rashan, Konissour, Ruhan, Damanhur,
Greetings Friends,
It would be an honor if you can join me in celebrating Sister Aliyahs Birthday this upcoming Dua at the Thesos Pub. [At 6
m US/Est =10
mGMT] It is a surprise party, so please keep it on the down-low.
OOC: The first letter is open invitation to anyone who wants to join us at the Samsara Pub Night.
From: Aliyah
To: Drakfot
My Dearest Friend,
It has been a long time since we spoken. I hope all is well and that these solemn times find you in good health. I was saddened to hear about Governor Wylers demised. It was a tragic lost for your people. My sympathy and consolation goes out to you and the citizens of the Lake Lands. I pray we all grow stronger from this unpredictable lesson, and find a peaceful solution for the betterment of us all.
However, I do not write to discuss the politics of our nations. I write because I would like to see you. Trixie has been tirelessly encouraging me to be more active, I know she means well, but sometimes I am not in the best of moods to be outside and about. I still have nightmares about the kidnapping. I have even hired a guard to keep my nerves from overwhelming me. I know you would understand. If not for your efforts I do not know where I would be right now. I am forever grateful to you.
I wished for us to meet this following Dua. Trixie and I will be doing some shopping and trading in Thesos. We can meet at the Pub, have some fine cuisine, and chew the fat as they say. I shall be on the upper deck. I look forward to seeing you.
Your Friend
Sister Aliyah
Correspondence from Drakfot
From: Drakfot
To: Aliyah
Hello Aliyah,
Indeed it has been a long time since we last met and I am happy to receive this letter from you.
Reading it tells me that even though you are in safe hands you are still fighting this battle inside and it saddens me. If there is anything I can do for you my friend I will happily do so.
It was quite the predicament that happened to you my friend. Perhaps a good way to remedy it is in trying to face these demons? If you feel that you are strong enough to do so I will be there for you my friend.
Yes, as you write there has been some sad events as of late, as our dear Governor have past away, and we are in loss for him. But I believe that even though these times be rough and hard. I do not think he would want us to traverse in a grief for his loss, but to remember him and what his virtues are. Time will tell.
Once more I am happy to hear from you and I look forward to see you tomorrow Aliyah.
Subject: Required
I have been referred to you and with excellent recommendations. I was told that if I need a Job well done you are the one to ask for. Indeed I have a matter to be handled discreetly and efficiently. There is an artifact I search for and need for you to get hold of it for me. The task is not at all easy for it is heavily guarded. However, I hear you are not one to like anything easy. I believe you have been invited to the party. We can meet tonight at the Pub. And, we can discuss the matter of your fee.
Raiders of the Sage
Re: The Letters
Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:36 pm
by 901941
OOC: The Rp event started out just fine but took a wrong turn when one of the leading players did not show to contribute their part. I had to improvise, by the time I did, most of the people in the bar were leaving. I apologize for the confusion and hope to recap and clear up the missing acts by writing them here. First I want to thank all the people that attended and contributed, you were all a great help. I particularly want to thank Drakfot for her quick thinking and improvising especially under the circumstance.
Act I
The pub was buzzing with the usual bar flies. Amongst them was a young Matisian girl with short golden hair, on her face was painted the dark bird of omen tattoo. Some noticed her posture, she looked rather preoccupied, and her gold color eyes stood piercing the main entrance as if waiting for someone.
Eventually she moved gracefully up the stairs to the deck for a better view of the main door. Shortly after she was met by several homins, first was a tall Zorian male, he was young and seemed eager to get the meeting over and done. The second to arrive was a bulky Fyrosian, he although reeked of inexperience was calmed and collected. Not long after him, arrived a fair Matis female with long aubum color hair. They sat together and spoke in private.
Have you all received my note? asked Goldy, she looks around the room making sure they are not eavesdropped.
Very well, let us begin. You have been selected because your reputations perceive you. I will not lie, the task I bring to you can cost you your lives, but if you are successful? You will be handsomely rewarded
she looks at the door when a stranger walks in. She pays him no mind and continues to converse.
There is an artifact I seek. Not long ago it was buried at the Ruins of Leron, but someone found it. We tried to take it
but one of them escaped and we have not been able to locate her whereabouts since. That is until tonight. She grins mischievously.
The artifact is very important, it is a relic to my people, and it must be return to its rightful owner. Perhaps you can understand, perhaps not.
Im afraid I connot help
said the Zorian male, his patience ran out and was about to walk out when Goldy interrupted. I will give 3million dappers to the team that brings The Secret Chest of Seiren (TSCS) to me.
Now you have engaged my attention. He said suddenly interested. The other two listened quietly.
Plus you may keep any other treasures or valuables you find during your
adventure, said Goldy reassuringly.
I have some questions before I can accept, said the fair Matis female.
If you have questions now is the time to ask them, said Goldy somewhat irritated.
You are asking me to steal for you? asked the fair female.
You cannot steal what does not belong to them in the first place. Goldy said poignantly.
And, how heavily guarded is the artifact? asked the quiet Fyrosian.
It is very well guarded. The task will not be easy. She answered. I suggest you hire or ask your most trusted comrades to help you. The one that brings me the safe return of TSCS will get the pay. The maverick homins start to discuss amongst themselves the possibilities of working together
What do you say? asked Goldy, to seal the agreement.
I accept, said the Zorian.
Agree, said the Fyrosian.
I accept. said the fair Matis female in a quivery tone.
Very well, it is done. I will contact you again with instructions. And, by the way, if you try to double cross me, there will be hell to pay. Goldy gets up from the table, bows, and departs.
Act II
Trixie kept Sister Aliyah busy. She had been planning a surprise party for the sister well over a week now. It was all prepared. Invitations had been sent to both friends of Trixies and Aliyahs. She expected to have fun and was anxious to be there. They spend the most part of the afternoon shopping in Min Cho, then return to Pyr and made way to Thesos to sell some mats. Trixie jabbed Speedy encouraging him to speed up, Aliyah follow closely behind on her mount. They enter Thesos from the north, from Sawdust Mines.
Trixie parked her mount at the stable first, and then ran to the pub to warn everyone Aliyah was coming. On her way back to get Aliyah, Aliyah informed her that Speedy did not want to enter the stable, and had run into the merchants stands. She feared he would be killed by the guards if she did not attend to him quickly. Trixie told Sister Aliyah to continue to the pub, that Drakfot was there and waiting for her.
Aliyah was looking forward to see Drakfot; the little tryker with the heart as big as Atys itself. In all her wonderings she had never met anyone so kind and generous. Drakfot was known through the lands as a great story teller, and her stories were rave by many homins. They became acquaintances trough a tragic event that almost cost Sister Aliyah her life. Drakfot was the one who found her and brought her safely to the House of Sirenss. Aliyah was grateful to have met Drakfot and found comfort in their friendship. Although time had passed to this day the sister continued to have horrid nightmares of the event. Sometimes she cannot sleep. The insomnia has provoked an illness on the sister, and now suffers from painful migraines that sometimes become uncontrollable unless she finds a quite place to meditate. This has caused her to remain secluded most of the time. But, today she made an effort to please Trixie and to see Drakfot.
She walked into the crowded bar naive that the gathering was actually a surprise party for her, and almost fell backwards when the crowd cheered and congratulated. She was embarrassed at first and then upset at Trixie for she knew then this was her doing. However, she went along with it. She saw a few familiar faces, some she know of by their reputations, and others she did not but was pleased by their enthusiasm. Drakfot stepped forward and greeted her; they hugged and agreed to move upstairs where it was quieter.
How are you my friend? asked Drakfot.
I am well, thank you. Im happy to see you. She said.
Thank you, I am glad to be here. said Drakfot.
Im going to kill Trixie. said the sister teasingly, I do not like to be reminded that Im getting old. The two friends laugh contently.
It seemed the two friends had much to say that an hour had passed quickly. They were later joined by Avila who seemed worried.
Greetings Avila greeted Drakfot.
Welcome. said Aliyah.
Evening Ladies. She sat facing Aliyah. I was wondering if you might have seen Goldy? she asked.
Im afraid I do not know who Goldy is. said Aliyah.
I do not know who be Goldy. replied Drakfot.
She is a new member of my house that has brought me concerns. It seems that her actions lately are mysterious and questionable. I was told she would be here. Avila looks at Aliyah, I was wondering Sister, who are the Raiders of the Sage?
Aliyahs eyes opened wide. The Raiders of the Sage are a group of mercenaries who work for Prophetess. They are merciless and extremely dangerous. If one of them has infiltrated across to the desert her life would be in danger. They are the ones who killed the Siren Sisters and held Aliyah hostaged for several days. There has been a long war between the two houses for years.
Sister Aliyah collected her thoughts before she spoke. She feared of getting others involve into a matter that did not concerned them, but her only hope is to get some friends to help or she will never be safe.
For several days now Ive had the egging feeling that I am being followed but have ignored it. Now, my fear has been confirmed. If in fact a member of the Raiders of the Sage has infiltrated your house I suggest you rid of him before he corrupts your members with lies of fortune...I do not feel well my friends. Please excuse me. And, thank you for joining me today. Aliyah bows cordially and quickly makes steps outside where she sees Trixie.
Trixie, what we talked about must be done. I will leave it up to you to higher the necessary guards. We part this Holeth at noon. Im not feeling well, so I will return to my home. Thank you for your efforts in bringing some normalcy to my life. And after that she quickly used a teleport ticket to Pyr.
Trixie was not sure of what happened but what ever did happened was enough to upset Aliyah. She entered the Pub and thanked everyone for attending.
Thank you all for coming today, Sister Aliyah had a great time. She wanted me to buy you all a drink. She looks at the barman. Barman, please get everyone a drink.
The guests cheer Trixie on.
I want to take this opportunity to announce that we are hiring escorts for a transfer of goods to Lands of Umbria this Holeth at noon. If you would like the position please contact me before then and we can discuss your fee. she announces.
What will you be transferring, asked the tall Zorian?
I will be transferring boss mats. said Trixie.
Re: The Letters
Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:35 pm
by rabcaz
Not so long ago I recieved a letter from a Aliyah. This made me very happy since I had not seen her since the day we set out to aid her as she had been kidnapped by some foul ones.
I still remember her face that day as she walked into Pyr, she was still shocked and had a hard time to cope with that she was once more safe.
I was a little reluctant to let her go since I knew what she had been experienceing, yet still I also knew that she was in great need to rest and that Trixie would care for her. This was long ago.
But now as I read her letter seeing that she wished to meet me once more I was finding great joy in seeing her again. She invited me to come to the Thesos Pub, The Tranquil Tryker where she would meet me.
It was on the same evening as the Samsara held their usual pubnights, an appreciated feast for all whom wish to attend.
As I entered the pub I was greeted by the faces of many friends. I looked around in order to see if Aliyah was there but she was nowhere to be found so I sat down, ordered a glass of warm Messab Milk, and joined the others while waiting for her to arrive. I was a bit worried as I was arriving late and not seeing Aliyah waiting for me made my mind wander off thinking that something might have happened to her. But then I remembered that Trixie had told me about her birthday and that she was probably holding Aliyah in order for everyone to be prepared.
As I sat sipping from my glass and talking to some friends I heard that someone was coming down the stairs but did not pay any attention to it as the conversation was quite interesting.
Some moments later we heard someone was coming up along the stairs to the pub and a quick peek told us that it was Aliyah so we prepared and as she entered we shouted "Happy birthday Aliyah".
At first she was surprised and moments later she cursed Trixie for pulling such stunt on her, even though she seemed to deeply appreciate it.
She asked me to join her on the second floor as she wished to talk to me.
As we had not seen eachohter for some time there were much to talk about and soon Aliyah was telling me about her shopping she had done. It was such joy to see her sitting there talking so eagerly about things as shopping or just sitting next the shore on a sunny day. I think that since the day she was taken away and rescued, she appreciates every moment more and more. But it also tells about something else, something darker. I had the impression that there was something on her mind, that she was living every moment as if it were her last.
Suddenly she looked at me with a serious face, it almost startled me to see such change from a young Homin telling about her great adventures in the shopping district, to a serious one.
What she told me was not something nice.
She said that she believed that someone was on the lookout for her, someone from those that had earlier abducted her. It had gnawed her mind recently and she was asking if I knew of anyone whom might be able to aid her to find out whom this Homin was.
As I did not know of any official more then Ulryos, yet he was not an option, I told her that perhaps Ulani might know one whom might fit the task. I told her that I could not see any dishonest in Ulani but that she is a Homin whom holds pride and honor highly and that I trusted her. Aliyah told me that she would try and contact Ulani about this matter.
She also asked me to join her in a trek this following end of the week as she was to undertake some sort of mission. She did not tell me exactly what it be yet she said it was to see the lands, but in safe company and that she was traveling with a family heirloom. Without a doubt I answered her that I would gladly join her.
She then proceeded to tell me about how the darkness of the nights always found her and haunted her, that she had nightmares all the time and often woke up all soaked in sweat screaming. That it was something that happened to her so often that her sleep was greatly disrupted and had taken its toll on her. She had a hard time sleeping and she often suffered from migraines.
Even if such time had passed she was suffering so greatly, I do feel sorry for her and told her that if there was anything I could do she had but to ask.
With a smile she neglected my offer thanking me while saying that there was probably no remedy for it. She then told me that it was always hard for her to leave her resting place for longer time and even though she had such great time today she had to excuse herself as she was once more in pain of a migraine. We took goodbye and she left the bar a bit hastly.
I had recieved much information this evening and I had to try and sort it out for me a bit so also I excused myself from the bar.
As I left I still had Aliyah's face on my mind... poor girl.
Re: The Letters
Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:34 pm
by 901941
Act IV
Goldy was not in the best of moods. Word had reached Avila about the meeting she held the day of Sister Aliyahs birthday party. Her identity had been uncovered. It is true that she is a member of the Raiders of the Sage, and that she worked for the Sage Prophetess. But she was not worried. After all she was here to do a job and nothing would stop her.
She met with Avila as she had been summoned to the Guild Council of Elytheria. When she arrived Avila and the High Officers were waiting. There was tension in the room and all eyes were on her. Goldy walk in and sat facing Avila.
I am not pleased with your actions, Goldy. You have brought shame to our peaceful house, you have acted inappropriately, and have broken the rules of the house of Elytheria. The council has agreed and you are herby voted out of the guild, Avilas voice echo through the walls of the Council room. I sent you off with a warning. If I hear but hearsay that you are enticing or even contacting any of the members of my house, I will personally come after you and smite you with my sword. You may leave now. And, pointed her to the door.
Goldy did not fear Avila, nor did she weight the meanings of her words as a threat. Her joining the house of Elytheria was simply a tactical move to infiltrate Avilas connection with Trixie. It was more important to Goldy that her job be completed and she was so closed to reaching her goal that her expulsion from the guild was not important. It was a set back that her intentions would soon be public knowledge. However, there was also the possibility that now she could gather more help from a more mercenary house.
Goldy left the Guild Hall and never looked back. She knew that Trixie and Aliyah had requested help in moving some items, apparently something of great importance and valuable to acquire guards. There was no doubt on her mind that The Secret Chest of Seiren was being moved and this trip was only a diversion.
Act V
Aliyah and Trixie went over the inventory, counting the boss mats they would take with them on the trip to Lands of Umbria. The trip would start at noon from the City of Pyr. They will travel west to Oflack Oasis, then through Hightower, to the western portal near Canyon Road Workshop. Once they reach The Great Outback the caravan will travel across Whitherings to Grove of Umbria where they will take the last portal to the Prime Roots. It is expected to be a long trip. However, it is the safes rout to their destination.
Trixie looked at the list of excellent boss mats.
Q60 Desert Lumper
7 Pelvis.
16 Whiskers.
8 Spine
5 Skin
Q110 Desert Mektoub
3 Trunk
Q110 Forest Gingo
11 Ligament
Q210 Forest Kipucka
2 Secretion
2 Rostrum
2 Claw
2 Mandible
2 Shell
Q210 Desert Clopper
3 Mandible
3 Secretion
3 Sting
Q210 Jungle Torbak
2 Leather
2 Fang
2 Ligament
3 Claw
Q210 Forest Torbak
4 Claw
3 Ligament
3 Leather
Q210 Jungle Kirosta
4 Tail
3 Secretion
3 Mandible
Q260 Jungle Arma
3 Spine
2 Eye
2 Tooth
Q260 Jungle Najab
4 Leather
3 Fang
8 Claw
5 Bone
Q260 Jungle Kincher
9 Shell
1-Q250 Sup Electric Nanka Mace of Dur.
It took her several hours to gather all the mats and prepare the packers. Luckily Ringneck was there to help her. She was more concerned with Aliyahs health. Lately her migraines had increased; it had become so severe that now she would regurgitate and sometimes pass out, she feared it would only get worst.
Re: The Letters
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:46 am
by 901941
Fourth Letter
From Aliyah
To Ulani
I am Sister Aliyah, Leader of the Sirens of Atys. We have a friend in common, Lady Drakfot of the House of Evolution. She has encouraged me to contact you regarding information you may have of a woman by the name of Goldy. I would very much like to invite you to join me for a quick supper at the Pyr bar near Oasis Fountain Square at your convenience. We can discuss there and hope you can shed some light on the subject.
Sister Aliyah
Fifth Letter
From Goldy
To Kaetemi, Sehraci, Ulani
I have a new task for you, I need you to contact Trixie and accept the position of guarding the transfer of goods. You are to spy on them, gather relevant information. What are they transferring? Who is helping them? What rout are they taking? And report to me ASAP. I will pay you 100k if the information you provide is accurate.
Re: The Letters
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:13 pm
by 901941
Overview of the last events
Several days ago Trixie sent out invitations for a surprise birthday celebration to honor her good friend Aliyah. Everyone gathered at Thesos pub waited for them to arrive. Many attended but not all there were friends of Aliyah. Amongst them, quietly in a corner, sat Goldy; an unknown mercenary in search of the Secret Chest of Seiren. At the time no one knew that she was a spy and member of the Reaiders of the Sage. You see, she had gained the trust of Avila and the respectful members of Elytheria. Unbeknown to them that she was an arch enemy of the Sirens of Atys they welcomed the refugee to join their guild.
Avila, who is the leader of Elytheria, and a close friend of Trixie, was invited to attend the celebration. Goldy, having heard the news from Avila, took the opportunity to set her plan in motion; she had been patiently waiting for the opportunity to infiltrate the circle of friends and get close to Aliyah the leader of the Sirens of Atys and keeper of the secret chest. But, events did not planned out as she expected. Goldy failed in her attempt to gather some mercenaries to secretly mission and steal the Secret Chest of Seiren from Aliyah. Someone betrayed Goldy and inform Avila of the meeting revealing that she was a spy for the Raiders of the Sage. Worried by the news Avila set out to gather evidence of the allegations; she spoke with Aliyah, at the party, and it was then she learned of the rivalry between the two houses. Immediately, Avila sent her officers to find Goldy and expelled her from the house of Elytheria.
Aliyah, upset that a member of the Raiders managed to get so close; feared for her life and more importantly the safety of the treasure. Not long ago four other Sirens were killed while on an expedition to Ruins of Leron. At the time Trixie was the leader of the Sirens; they had received the most peculiar letter, written in Seirenidiom an old cryptic language used only by the Sirens. The letter detailed the location of a buried relic, supposedly one of the 3 relics protected by the warrior sisters. Aliyah, who is an expert in the idiom of Seirenidiom unencrypted the letter and urged Trixie to allow her to go and retrieve the treasure. Unfortunately, the sisters were set up and four of the five sisters died. Furthermore, Aliyah was held captive by the Raiders of the Sage for several days, interrogated, and tortured. One of the slaves working for the Raiders took pity on Aliyah and helped her cross over to Scorch Corridor before Drakfot found her.
Trixie felt immeasurable guilt by the lost of the young Sirens that after nursing Aliyah back to health she renounced the position as leader of the Sirens, rendering to Aliyah the role of leadership. She felt that her duties as a Siren had been met, that in fact this was not her destiny and in the end it was meant for Aliyah. She promised Aliyah that she would be there anytime she was needed and has kept her promised; shortly after Trixie joined the Atys Paladins guild where she has remained to this day.
Aliyah feared for the safety of the Secret Chest of Seiren and asked Trixie to help her bury it. Together they managed a caravan from the City of Pyr to Lands of Umbria. Trixie was to spear ahead and find a secure location where the treasure would then be buried. In fear of an attack from the Raiders they created several teams. Trixie asked Avila, Drakfot and Iverem for help, each one was then given a chest to carry, and several guards where assigned to protect them along the journey. Trixie asked some of her close friends in the Paladins guild to escort Aliyah; they in turn took a different rout from the others. Aliyah carried the valuable relic to a safe spot in the Lands of Umbria and buried it.
The story continues