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Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:10 pm
by soulsnatcher
We have updated the "Now in Test" section of the site, with miscellaneous points and bugfixes we're currently working on and testing. The items displayed there could be quickly added to a patch and so disappear from this page, remain here for an undetermined time or even removed, depending if the modification works well or not. I'll inform you through a news when something is added to this list.

I think what's in there should interest you. :)


[ O U T P O S T S ]

The Outpost crafting tool effect allowing to add an energy bonus of +20 on a crafted item will be slightly changed:
- The bonus given by this tool will depend on the quality of the crafted item and will follow this rule:
15 + (quality/10). Examples:
a q230 amp will get a bonus of (15+23=) +38; a q20 bowpistol will get a bonus of (15+2=) +17.
- The value of the success rate to get that effect on an item is increased to 10%.
- The stats you can obtain on a crafted item should be modified as follow:
* Weapons can only have Stamina or HP (no Focus, no Sap)
* Heavy armour, shields and bucklers can only have Stamina or HP (no
Focus, no Sap)
* Medium armour can only have Stamina, HP or Sap (no Focus)
* Magic amplifiers can only have Sap or HP (no Stamina, no Focus)
* Other items or piece of equipment won’t change

[ L A N D M A R K S ]

- An option is added to allow you to add precise landmarks at the location of your character.

[ C O M B A T ]

- A new combat Stanza is introduced: “credit wear out weapon”. This
credit is available from level 25 and upgrades each 50 levels for melee
and range fight. Its effect is to deteriorate your weapon when you use
it (note: you won’t be able to cycle it, to avoid deteriorating your

weapon by mistake).

[ I N T E R F A C E ]

- A shortcut will be added to switch between parry and dodge mode (SHIFT+D).
- On the compass: the distance to a selected flag should be displayed on
the left of the text, and aligned to the left of the compass window.
When the text is too long, you should be able to see it entirely when
hovering with the mouse over it.

[ E M O T E S ]

- Gender differentiation is in progress.

[ B U G F I X ]

- About the position of team members wrongly displayed on the map: the
rate of the position update will be changed, what should fix the issue.
- Actions on guild members, which could occur on the wrong members: the
issue has been spotted after Live tests, and is being fixed.
- Jewels magic protections: they are not protecting against mobs'
magical critical hits, although the system info indicates they are. A
fix should make the jewels work properly against mobs.
- When you are "undetermined" with fames above +50, you still fully
benefit from the advantages of your fames which above 50 even though you
shouldn't. A fix is prepared to make the "undetermined" status work as
intended: as long as you remain "undetermined", your fames higher than
50 are considered as being 50 by the game mechanism, while the true
values are kept until you choose an allegiance.
- The missile of the launcher should be displayed correctly.

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:20 pm
by calel
Sounds like a great list of fixes Soulsnatcher; compliments to the Devs.

Could we get a little more feedback on the 'wear out weapon' credit perhaps? How harsh would it deteriorate the weapon and what is the benefit of the credit in costs?

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:26 pm
by kaetemi
* Other items or piece of equipment won’t change
Does that useless armilo ammo tool still exist, btw?

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:45 pm
by rundll32
team bug fixed! praise jena!

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:48 pm
by kibsword
Fantastic news! *huggles to Nevrax*

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:21 pm
by forever
I see some nice things being fixed. :)

I would also like a little more info on the new deteriorate credit if possible.

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:48 pm
by thlau
soulsnatcher wrote: [ C O M B A T ]

- A new combat Stanza is introduced: “credit wear out weapon”. This
credit is available from level 25 and upgrades each 50 levels for melee
and range fight. Its effect is to deteriorate your weapon when you use
it (note: you won’t be able to cycle it, to avoid deteriorating your
weapon by mistake).
What benefit will I have by increasing the speed that the weapon deteriorates?

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:04 pm
by iphdrunk
thlau wrote:What benefit will I have by increasing the speed that the weapon deteriorates?

Guessing here, but I think it will act similarly to "attack after dodge" brick (of course, without requiring you to actuallt dodge) that can be added providing alternative credits (-10,-20,-50, etc..) thus requiring less hp and stam per action, allowing higher stanzas (increase damage and accurate attack, for example) to be used and more powerful actions to be defined, at the cost of multiplying the decrease rate per action by a factor of 1.5, 2, 2.5 etc.

It can be a nice addition, not new tho -- iirc I think someone, months ago, mentioned this stanza as a rite (that didn't go live) reward, it's nice they decided to add it to the game, so they may know the exact values of the credits --, providing players with more choice "shall I use an excellent weapon but that degrades faster or a supreme one without that extra credit?"

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:14 pm
by kratos84
Glad to see the changes, especially the guild list and jewels PvE fixes... Nice job addressing those.

Re: Production: Player Information Section Updated

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:20 pm
by jamela
[ L A N D M A R K S ]

- An option is added to allow you to add precise landmarks at the location of your character.
Aha, at last! I can see the signposts even now - "Feel fulfilled, for Pero stood just here."

Compass and team bug fixes will alleviate two major irritations, thankyou.