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Pub night in Thesos!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:46 pm
by aardnebb
[Pinned to a number of notice boards throughout Atys]

Our old message seems to have got lost, so here's a new reminder!

The infamous Pub Night is on once again, in Thesos Bar at Tuesday 04/04/06 at 8.30pm British Summer Time(GMT+1), as seen on Nexus News!

Join us for a drink, a chat or a little gambling in the warm friendly company of your favourite mercenaries!

Though no exotic dancers have been booked on this occasion, perhaps a few "volunteers" can be found.

The Management is not responsible for... erm... anything.

This is an open RP meeting on a 2-weekly basis. If you can't reach Thesos yet then do ask earlier in the evening and we can try to arrange a complementary trek for fresh refugees. Please keep FvF attacks to a minimum (or take it outside), duels to be held upstairs or outside, and expect people to bet on the outcome. ;)

Re: Pub night in Thesos!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:43 pm
by d29565
Sadly, not all of us are in a UK time zone. I'll still be doing my "day" things at that time. :( And I wanted to be a dancer!

Re: Pub night in Thesos!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:32 am
by raisrev1
d29565 wrote:Sadly, not all of us are in a UK time zone. I'll still be doing my "day" things at that time. And I wanted to be a dancer!

LOL there you go Zahan and Nightblade. Your first.. er Dancer Now if you could just Hold it when she could be there and get Mio and Zes to join in

:eek: *ducks and runs from Mio's Axe of Spleen Juliene* :p

Re: Pub night in Thesos!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:50 am
by mehanson
I will be there with Bells on! ;)

O.K., maybe not bells, but if I wear enough daggers, they'll jangle like bells!

Lookin' forward to more "volunteers" for the exotical dancing!

Anybody makin' book on the number of sliced and diced body parts? :D

Re: Pub night in Thesos!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:02 am
by kostika
OOC: Sorry for the time zone problem guys. But since most of the guild works the next day we have to have it at a time that is good for us. That said we usually are there til around 11pm our time. So you might catch us if you're on the east coast.