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List of Guilds

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:03 pm
by sprite
Here is the new guild list, updated to include RP-stance, Citizenship, and more accurate Cult alignment information.

If you want your guild listed or updated, please post with the following information:
Guild Name, Guild Leader, Cult and Faction alignment as shown on the guild fame window, and the general RP-stance of the guid as defined here, and any notes that are relevant :) If the guild is neutral civ-aligned, please tell me where the Guildhall is located so I can add that as a note :)

The list is sorted alphabetically and shows information in the following format:
Guild Name (Guild Leader) [RP stance] - any notes

-Team Spirit (Faa)
-Merchants of Void (Quiksilver)
-Riders on the Storm (Xeraphim)
-Twilight Whispers (Thiede) [Semi]
-Atys Paladins (Chronosfera)
-Eleytheria (Avila) [None]
-Kings of Oblivion (Itsmagic)
-The Divine Council of Pyr (Wave)
-The Dragon Order of Abylus (Vaynen)
-The Soul (Simona)
-Ascension (Lathaniel)

-Aeden Artisans (Pero) [Semi]
-Atys Ghosts (Zee) [Semi]
-Ballistic Mystix (Kilgoretrout) [Semi]
-Darkmoor Rangers (Trini) [Semi/None] - German/English guildchat
-Evolution (Snake) - "Individuals who seek their ways all the time"
-Nexus (Darmina, Geniastrid)
-Cara Via (Loracas)
-Citizenz of Matis (Buns)
-Elders of Atys (Kule, Ayur) [Semi]
-Guardians of Life (Neva) [Semi-RP]
-Jena's Lost tribe (Anissa) [Semi]
-Legion of Atys (Jehlia)
-Lost Guild of Atys (Stinger)
-Melinoe (Dollydagger) [Semi]
-New World Order (Paashaas)
-OmegaV (Uberdoyle)
-Order of the Nameless (Ciridemarr) [None/Semi]
-Pegasus Foundation (Heavyn)
-Pheadrea's Tears (Jamela) [Semi-RP]
-Reapers of the Dark (Ema)
-Sacred Circle of Guardians (Davrick)
-TheNewEmpire (Kirijoleth) [None/Semi]
-Out Of Cavern (Akjohn) [None/Semi] - Matis based

-Illuminati (Arcana)
-Red Ribbon Army (Kyerna) [High]
-Dragons of Shadow (Daemion) [Semi] - Zorai based
-Order of the Dragonblades (Haldir) [High] - Matis based
-The Samsara (Kostika) [Semi/High] - Fyros based
-Veni Vidi Vici (Taus) - Matis based

-Guardians (Atys Paladins, Dragon Order of Abylus, Eleytheria, Fyros Defenders, The Samsara)
-H.O.P.E. (Veni Vidi Vici, Wanderlust)

-Crescent Moon (Mialee)
-Fyros Defenders (-)
-Infinity (Brithlem) [Semi]
-Project Mayhem (Zok) [Semi/None] - Kami leanings - Zorai based
-Rulers of Atys (Endasil)[/size]

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:36 pm
by raisrev1
I havent started recruiting yet, (once i get my forest Mastery i will thou)

Dragons of Shadow, Leader Daemion, Civilization Neutral, Cult Neutral (for now) Guild Hall Currently in Zora, and Prolly will be Semi-RP.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:39 pm
by thlau
Hello Spriteh,

can you please move the Darkmoor Rangers from neutral to karavan?

Thank you,

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:33 pm
by magick1
I think Quiksilver is the guild leader of Merchants of Void (their site have him as leader as well).

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:07 am
by d29565
magick1 wrote:I think Quiksilver is the guild leader of Merchants of Void (their site have him as leader as well).
Yeah, he is.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:52 am
by stinky1
Can you add Underworld Tormentors please. currently matis neutral but will be working towards Kami. we will be a High PvP guild with very few rules. currently recruiting any Kamist or Kami wanna be. thnx whitefire =)

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:06 pm
by lathan
Please add Ascension to the list of guilds, under Kami, neutral civ, with Lathaniel as guild leader.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:13 pm
by d29565
Akjohn is now the leader of Out of Cavern

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:18 pm
by sprite
d29565 wrote:Akjohn is now the leader of Out of Cavern
Is OOC still Kara aligned?

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:30 pm
by d29565
yes, they were when i left earlier today.