I agree that, for the sake of realism, this patch makes sense -- and so it was discussed months ago when a patch fixed weird things like "dragging mats from my bag to the packer" whatever the packer may be --.
That said, I would like to state that, in my humble opinion, and given other related factors like the current state of Ryzom development, some players may express concern since there seems to be some more urgent and long standing bugs that have not been adressed. Maybe the *timing* to apply this patch could be considered inappropriate?
This change, despite its realism and purpose, only means one thing: more inconvenience to players, specially crafters and harvesters who have grown to live with it and found it practical to overcome other limitations and, unless other measures are taken as well (1), one natural question that may arise without too much surprise is "why this and now?" "don't they have better things to do?" or, expressed in more familiar language
"why this nerf?"
In summary, it is true that one may want to pursue more realism but, also, without compromising gameplay. What will be next? I'd say that, with this noble goal in mind, materials stored in a merchant or hawker should only be retrieved at the same NPC where they were stored.
Let me just ask that, when this patch goes live, make it in such a way that raw materials that are in packers not standing at the stable where the player is crafting do not even appear in the craft window (not selectable), rather than an implementation where the player is able to select them and then the system validates it giving funny tihngs like the system backs off and empties the corresponding craft box
(1) For example, guild and appartment crafting, better inventory management, housing