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Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:14 pm
by bigad
Hi all, just picked up a trial of Ryzom today & I'm installing/patching as we speak. Just wondered if you guys could fill me in on any good stuff to know as a noob. I admit I know next to nothing about this game, I rather picked it up our of the blue, played all MMO's SWG,EQ2,WoW & Eve, so hows this different from them?

Thanks for your time :)

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:18 pm
by raven456
bigad wrote:Hi all, just picked up a trial of Ryzom today & I'm installing/patching as we speak. Just wondered if you guys could fill me in on any good stuff to know as a noob. I admit I know next to nothing about this game, I rather picked it up our of the blue, played all MMO's SWG,EQ2,WoW & Eve, so hows this different from them?

Thanks for your time :)
If i was to tell you one thing.. It would have to be:

For your first toon choose 1 magic starter pack 1 harvest starter pack and one craft starter pack.. as you will get fighting exp just by using your hands :)

This was you can try out all 4 main skill trees... and make a informed choice on how you will start your Main... or if you like this skill set (I.e can train and lvl all trees without having to spend extra skill points) stay with your starter Toon :D

Ok I have somewhere to be.. sorry for the short help.. I'm sure someone else will come along and explain a few more things :) our community is great like that hehe


Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:54 pm
by acridiel
Hi there! :)

Do the UI-Tutorial in the Help menue. It well, helps ;) :D
Some things will be different to those other games you played, the skill system is, appart from the Starter Packs, learning by doing.
There are no set classes in this Game and no race has an advantage over the others in any way. (exept maybe in numbers ;) )
MOBs are categorized under Color and Stars: green being the easiest creatures to kill, then blue, yellow, orange, red, purple. Stars show the general lvl-range of the creature, and the more stars, the harder to kill the beast. So stay with green 1-stars first and work your way up the food chain.
Other things, such as crafting, Magic and harvesting are explained in some cool player written tutorials all over the Forums here. (Just do a Forum search)
Or in Videos you can find on my site ;) :D *shameles plug*

CUL8er and enjoy your stay in our giant Treehouse

Edit: Ah and before I forget!!! Don´t be too disapointed not to meet many people at first. Starter Islands aren´t very populated, because most people rush to the mainlands first chance they get ;)

Acridiel of Leanon
(German Server)

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:38 pm
by jamela
Sound advice already above. Use your time on your starter isle to get used to the controls and different skills. Most everything is just a little bit safer on the isles. I think that when you're happy travelling between the towns on the isle, then you are probably ready to join the mainland. If you want some ingmae advice or find yourself practically alone there then try "/tell jamela Hi :) ", or a quick "/who gm" should give you a couple of names, at least, to "/tell" for 'Carlsberg' support.

Welcome to Atys :D

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:59 pm
by arfindel
Welcome to this world, homin :)
See if you can make something of the public discussions about Ryzom on our forums. Our guild started here about 3 months ago and we posted whatever we felt was useful for starting.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:26 am
by lexi44
bigad wrote:Hi all, just picked up a trial of Ryzom today & I'm installing/patching as we speak. Just wondered if you guys could fill me in on any good stuff to know as a noob. I admit I know next to nothing about this game, I rather picked it up our of the blue, played all MMO's SWG,EQ2,WoW & Eve, so hows this different from them?

Thanks for your time :)
Hiya, Bigad! Welcome to Atys!

Since the homins before me have all given you some great advice, I just have one more thing to add: I would suggest you level up all skills you are interested in up to at least level 20 before you leave the starter island. Most especially your Fighting and/or Magic skills. The creatures are a bit easier on the starter islands and you will be glad you are prepared for the little tougher ones on the Mainlands when you leave. Start with yubos, and wipe 'em out!

If (and when) you die, click on your "Regional" chat tab and ask if there is anyone around to come and "rez" you - if there is anyone around the region that is able to, they can come and rez you and you won't have to suffer the consequences of the "dp" (death penalty).

**On a sidenote: I'm also a "SWG Refugee" and you'll find that the skill system here is soooo much more free-style. There are no "set number" of skill-points - no "trees" you have to complete before doing what you choose to can train every single skill you want to all the way up to level 250!

If you have any questions in-game, don't hesitate to /tell Sinera Help! and I'll be sure to respond if I am online and in-game.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:39 am
by kibsword
Welcome to Ryzom! *huggles*

Biggest good thing about Ryzom as you have probably already noticed is the community, always willing to help so don't be afraid to ask :D

Enjoy your stay on Atys :)