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Creatures' Force Guide?
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:34 pm
by co1osse
Can anyone tell me if there is a good guide that would explain the color code of the creatures' force? I know I could kill anything in newbie land, but now in the real world, it seems a bit more complicated.
Also, anyone knows if the "agressiveness" meter is working? All creatures look green to me, although, I still get attacked...
Re: Creatures' Force Guide?
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:49 pm
by peterose
A good rule to follow is, if it looks like it can eat your face, it can.
If the first word in its name is any adjective that can be placed in front of "Instant Hot Flaming Death" and make sense, then you should not attack it alone.
Re: Creatures' Force Guide?
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:59 pm
by aelvana
Right click on your target window, click help, and you'll get the list =D
The color of the first box in the target window is what it cons as per that list.
Re: Creatures' Force Guide?
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:45 pm
by mosdef
the con system is broken for now. supposed to fix soon, i hope.
Re: Creatures' Force Guide?
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:39 pm
by cmiddle
This link is probably out of date, but it gives you a good idea: