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Can't log on to game Help Please

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:50 pm
by git66

Have just re-installed game after being away for some time. And have reactivated my account.
Have reset my account password and that seems to get me to the account page ok says I'm all paid up and active now,
However can not reset my game password.
The password I managed to get working for the forums won't work either.
Please help would like to get a bit of play in tonight.


Re: Can't log on to game Help Please

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:41 am
by Zerlin
Are you getting an error when you change your game password on the personal information section? If it just goes back to the personal information then the password should be changed. You just need to wait a few minutes before trying to log in to make sure things got propagated properly.

If you continure to have issues then you should email and they will look into the matter.