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Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:35 pm
by eschiava
Greetings All,

Someone on the SWG forum asked me if SoR supports the equivalent of a pet class, so, are there skills to be learned that allow a character to tame, train, and use pets in combat?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:56 pm
by sumoman
eschiava wrote:Greetings All,

Someone on the SWG forum asked me if SoR supports the equivalent of a pet class, so, are there skills to be learned that allow a character to tame, train, and use pets in combat?

Thanks in advance!
short answer: no
long answer: No, there are not any pets that can be used in combat nor is there pets that u can tame or train.
You can purchase mektoub packers(up to 3) which allow you to have a mobile storage system, you can also purchase a mektoub mount which allows you to travel at greater speeds than is normally acheivable on foot.
Both of these animals can be killd by mobs but do not fight back

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:58 pm
by ncrijns
You got M&Ms (Mektoub Mounts) to ride on across the country and MPs (Mektoub Packer) to carry your stuff. The only commands they know are follow, stand still and enter/exit stable.
So the kind of pets that used to be in SWG for the Creature Handler, no, those don't exist, yet anyway. I don't know the plans of the Devs in this regard.

EDIT: Darnit, Schizm was a faster typer! :p

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:01 pm
by alibasil
I remeber someone mentioning the taming skill long ago- it is probably somewhere in the dev pipeline!

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:04 pm
by ncrijns
alibasil wrote:I remeber someone mentioning the taming skill long ago- it is probably somewhere in the dev pipeline!
They should clean that thing one in a while then! To much ideas are stuck there I bet.

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:07 pm
by sehracii
I imagine taming will be a difficult skillset to work into Ryzom because of the ability to completely multi-class.

Right now while sure you can be both an elemental mage and swordsman for example, you can only do one or the other at any given moment, aside from small bonus like extra HP when switching to magic.

The ability to decimate with elemental spells at the same time a "pet" was attacking for you would be overpowering and very unbalanced in our system.

The obvious answer is having a pet involved in combat removes your ability to use any other skills at that time. Perhaps the devs are working on this, we shall see :D

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:14 pm
by rushin
*remembers my super cute bugged kirosta pet*

ahh fluffy, such good times.. until the nasty homins punched you to death for some easy h2h xp :p

(i'm not crazy honest! there was a bug a long time ago that affected some mobs, you could taunt them and they would happily follow u around without attacking, it's long gone now though)

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:20 pm
by kuroari
rushin wrote:*remembers my super cute bugged kirosta pet*

ahh fluffy, such good times.. until the nasty homins punched you to death for some easy h2h xp :p

(i'm not crazy honest! there was a bug a long time ago that affected some mobs, you could taunt them and they would happily follow u around without attacking, it's long gone now though)

actually i used to have a gingo - only this was a different bug - if you killed the monster, sometimes it would follow you around wherever you went and no one could harm it - then a gm found it and made it go away :(

...pets? you mean Cimag! i have a bolobi pet sitting in pyr stables - interesting story that.. the stable-boy 'forgot' to mention that a shipment arrived and Poor Cimag was all alone in his box until i happend to stumble over him.. for his stupidity i made the stableboy promise to forever care for young Cimag, at his own expense!

... cmon ppl RP A LITTLE! ;)

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:29 pm
by sumoman
rushin wrote:*remembers my super cute bugged kirosta pet*

ahh fluffy, such good times.. until the nasty homins punched you to death for some easy h2h xp :p

(i'm not crazy honest! there was a bug a long time ago that affected some mobs, you could taunt them and they would happily follow u around without attacking, it's long gone now though)
i had a kipee for a while in noob land, ah the memories

Re: Does SoR Have Pets?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:35 pm
by akicks
kuroari wrote:actually i used to have a gingo - only this was a different bug - if you killed the monster, sometimes it would follow you around wherever you went and no one could harm it - then a gm found it and made it go away :(

...pets? you mean Cimag! i have a bolobi pet sitting in pyr stables - interesting story that.. the stable-boy 'forgot' to mention that a shipment arrived and Poor Cimag was all alone in his box until i happend to stumble over him.. for his stupidity i made the stableboy promise to forever care for young Cimag, at his own expense!

... cmon ppl RP A LITTLE! ;)
I think someone conked you a littled to hard on your head. Cimag is just my name backwards, and I'm defently not your bolobi pet! Nor do Stable boys take care of me.
