New player, new experiences

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New player, new experiences

Post by halaku »

Hello folks, I figured as a new player I'd list some of my experiences. Found SoR at London drugs for 5 bucks, and seeing the rating on MMORPG.COM, I figured it was worth a shot. Comments would be very, very appreciated.

Started with a Zoria, and screwed around in newbie isle for a couple of days before deciding to be an offensive mage. Finally reached level 15 in magic before I got bored and moved to the mainland. I keep trying to find a group to play with, but the Zoria capital seems mostly uninhabited, and the few people that populate the area and are willing to group with me are up at Level Uber while I'm still down at Level Suck. Neither of us getting XP sort of killed the fun.
The missions are boring, finding a group that I can actually help out in is nigh impossible, and leveling is quite difficult.

Started a Fyrios later, bought a mace, and went to town. Much funner on a fighter path, now that I can actually, you know, hurt stuff without getting killed frequently. Leveling is much quicker, too. I got to level 10 in fighting in a day of on and off playing. I'm not certain if I should head to the mainland or wait until I'm stronger, considering my bad experinces with the Zoria. Missions, while still boring, are actually much easier to acomplish.
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Re: New player, new experiences

Post by vguerin »

Tho both of your characters are Kami... you are barely touching the game. Newbie island is quiet, but the mainlands have many folks. Try typing /who where you are and seeing who is about.

I almost became a Zorai in my first incarnation... but I saw the ways of Jena and now have locked my feet solidly in Matis. Have fun and explore.... someone needs and wants you... play and find out who you want to be.
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Re: New player, new experiences

Post by katriell »

First, welcome to Ryzom. :) Answering your questions in somewhat random order...
Much funner on a fighter path, now that I can actually, you know, hurt stuff without getting killed frequently.
Melee is easier to level early on.
Started with a Zoria
Zoraï are the least populous race, and Zora the least populated town.
I'm not certain if I should head to the mainland or wait until I'm stronger
Head over doesn't make much difference. In fact, better to be on the mainland as that's where most people are. You can get more help there. And you can join a guild, which will improve your experience, if it's a good guild.
The missions are boring
Keep in mind that missions are not major content in this game. Regular missions are almost pointless except for gathering fame with cults/races/tribes. Rites are a more complex form which usually involve three ritual tasks (regular missions which are linked to the rite in question), and ends with a special type of mission, which is more complex and interesting than a normal mission. Completing a rite rewards you with a small stat boost (for example, +50 Focus), a special action/stanza, or somesuch thing, as well as an Amber Cube (a lore story added to your [E]ncyclopedia). Most rites require a certain amount of fame with a cult, race, or tribe, however. That's where fame-gathering via regular missions comes in. XD
Note: there is a chance the above information contains some inaccuracy, as I've only done two rites myself.

Do you roleplay? If so, you're in luck. Ryzom has a lot of support for RP if you look in the right places. The story has grown even more complex and intriguing lately, I think. Send me a tell (type /tell Jelathnia message into chat box) ingame and I might be able to give you a taste of the RP. :)
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)

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