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Satirical Poem
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:13 pm
by kostika
I did not write the below. One of my more shy members, Ana, wrote this and I felt I really needed to share it.
My guild is fantastic
They are really great
Spend my days levelling
Ding! Gratz m8
Outpost drills day and night
Get Crystals by the plate
Can't live without them
Ding! Gratz m8
Overtaking masters
That must really grate
Levelling time cut by half
Ding! Gratz m8
Our Outpost has been taken
And now I'm in a state
Can't get my Crystal fix
Ding! Gratz m8
Dumped my crappy guild
Swapped religon, state
Joined an Outpost guild
Ding! Gratz m8
New guild is fantastic
Get crystals by the plate
Spend my days levelling
Ding! Gratz m8
I dumped crappy SoR
All trees were complete
WoW back I come
Ding! Gratz m8
Re: Satyrical Poem
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:01 pm
by g00st
came to the conclusion long time ago, ghuiss hates any variation of the word think he didnt hear it until a couple of weeks old...
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 3:02 pm
by ncrijns
Great poem
Made me laugh atleast.
Oh and Ghuis, typing 'Congratulations' is hard, specially since everyone types it with a typo 9 out of ten times
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:21 pm
by riveit
Too true!
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:22 pm
by rheda
Aix..... if crystals were left to kami and kara honour point shops!
but btw, after all, in every guild you join you will not only get crystals, you'll end up with your brand new packer, your shiny new weapon and armour, and if unlucky they'll only give you half a million drappers.
After all, what's the function of a guild?
(yes, it was a sarcasm)
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:07 pm
by desertt
rheda wrote:Aix..... if crystals were left to kami and kara honour point shops!
but btw, after all, in every guild you join you will not only get crystals, you'll end up with your brand new packer, your shiny new weapon and armour, and if unlucky they'll only give you half a million drappers.
After all, what's the function of a guild?
(yes, it was a sarcasm)
function of a guild is to feel conected to make fun
all the other things are different from guild to guild
not every guild gives you packers and a half mill to start with
i do agree that cristals should stayed in the kami/kara shop and christmas presents
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:13 am
by rheda
desertt wrote:function of a guild is to feel conected to make fun
all the other things are different from guild to guild
not every guild gives you packers and a half mill to start with
i do agree that cristals should stayed in the kami/kara shop and christmas presents
Yes of course! I was not saying this was a problem of the guild system, sure not! It's just the use we're making of it.. It's just as if we were playing just to find the best way of spoiling the game, but that's my opinion
I'm shacking just of thinking what rizon ring wil bring, although it's greatly encouraging the r2 page article about how they will try to keep it balanced at any cost. but that's a completely different topic, and there has been already much talking about it.
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:08 am
by desertt
i wait with much anticipation for ryzom ring i have some great idea's
and you are kinda right at some points
but you know homins are just like humans even if they have knowledge they still to stubborn to use it sometimes
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:25 am
by rushin
guilds are about friendship, well our's is at any rate. using crystals is the same as accepting the packer/sword/armor/500k - its a personal choice, if someone joins us and refuses all offers of equipment i get all proud of their determination and am happy to rescrict my help to sage(or not) advice and teaming, etc.
crystals are a godsend to crafters, espcially at higher levels. for other skills i'm not so sure - the temptation is high just because they are there, but i am in no rush to max my non-craft levels
you can't blame crystals or game desgin for the ding! grats! syndrome, it's entirely down to the indivudual.
(liked the poem btw)
Re: Satirical Poem
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:22 am
by rheda
Yes, it's a personal choice, for sure, and I (of course) don't blame the people who would rather accept packs and cristals than hacking and slashing their way through. I have made my decision, and like to spend long time foraging, searching for sources and playing around with materials to make the best eq with my limitations, and having a hard time working on my own "ding!"s..
In fact, Igur and me got sponsored to form a new guild "Self Crafted Homin Coherence" whose enter requisites are mainly renouncing to any non-selfcrafed equipment, and even not buying neither weapons nor armour from shoppers. We're the radical faction opposed to what we discussed. That of course makes us rely on each other's skills, teaming to be able to overcome those handicaps.
As you said, everyone has to choose his own way.
Btw, we're low level players, so you may see us two barely naked running accross zora zone fields