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False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:06 pm
by final60
Do people think it is fair for to neighbouring outposts to keep declaring war and canceling those declarations over and over, without the intension of actually taking each others outpost?

I don't think it's fair, plus cowardly, although very smart of course! But again not fair on other guilds who may want to fairly take the outpost.

I would like to suggest putting in the penalty of not letting a guild re-declare war for 24hrs after they have cancelled. What do others think?
This subject proved quite a popular one on the english forums, so felt it was worth posting here! :)

Apologies that this is in english, please feel free to translate :)

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:21 pm
by xenofur
tbh, i think everything necessary was said here: ... tcount=103

also be aware that this topic is basically already done on this server and was deemed to be an exploit by our GMs, due to a certain group getting lucky and blocking ~13 OPs directly after they went online.

nevertheless, for the germans:

Denkt ihr es ist fair wenn sich benachbarte OPs im Dauerkrieg halten, ohne je auch nur zu kämpfen?

Ich glaube es ist unfair und feige, auch wenn es sehr klug ist! Aber trotzdem nicht fair gegenüber Gilden die nur einen OP auf faire art und weise einnehmen wollen.

Ich würde eine begrenzung vorschlagen, die kreigsneuerklärungen für 24 stunden nach dem letzen angriff unmöglich macht, was denkt ihr?

dieses thema war im englischen forum sehr beliebt, daher wollte ich es auch hier posten! :)

entschuldigt bitte, dass es in englisch ist und zögert nciht es zu übersetzen, wenn ihr möchtet. :)

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:07 am
by acridiel
Let´s just say: It has been discussed at lenght and some people have drawn some pretty silly consequences and grudges against some other people, regardless of this behaviour being ceased and all going back to normal.

I for myslef am glad to have been left out of this shotsighted and demoralizing denounciacion campain. Some people just can´t get over others having other Ideas of Gameplay then them, or "better". or "faster". or "more lucky", or "more whatever"... *shrug*

I just can´t understand that some people take a GAME that seriously and beginn to denounce each other in RL. Childish and silly...

I sure hope that this thread will not break loose another flamestorm and avalanche of sheer ignorance.


Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:48 am
by zerotacg
;) well as long as it was not declared an expliot by the officials it wasn't so they thought they were doing "legal" things :)
It's common in our laws that if there is not a law against it, it is allowed.
So it might by unfair but was not forbidden up to were it was declared an exploit.
Never the less get a pick and do yome diggin if ya angree :D I do that all the time *ggg*

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:30 am
by acridiel
Ah, so that´s why you´ve got your hands all bloody lately mate. :D

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:38 am
by 3101979
Ich weiss net warum sich hier viele über das Thema noch Gedanken machen, Nevraxx hat gesagt , dass dies als ein Exploit behandelt wird. Mir ist weiterhin nicht bekannt, dass diese Technik angewandt wird von irgendwelchen Gilden.
MFg Gazeto

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:42 am
by acridiel
3101979 wrote:Ich weiss net warum sich hier viele über das Thema noch Gedanken machen, Nevraxx hat gesagt , dass dies als ein Exploit behandelt wird. Mir ist weiterhin nicht bekannt, dass diese Technik angewandt wird von irgendwelchen Gilden.
MFg Gazeto
In Ammilandia schon Gaz. Leider...

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:14 pm
by cushing
As it was declared an exploit already on Leanon I guess the other severs will - and should! - follow soon. But I'm rather surprised that this is still a theme on the other servers. Does that mean that some outposts are blocked that way since the op-patch but without consequences of any kind?

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:47 pm
by xenofur
it's not really a topic anymore, the thread kinda tumbled to a halt after marjo made a few posts, stating that measures will be put in place to stop this kind of behavior.

Re: False Declarations o.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:57 pm
by cushing
Thanks for the enlightenment, Xenofur. I was way too lazy to look it up. ;)