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think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:22 am
by lordzren
ok i know im making up these damage numbers but you get the idea. i cannot rember what numbers they are.

you have 2 weapons. say a dagger and a 2hd mace

2hd mace 100 100
dagger 50 50

they both give the same damage over a set time but the dagger is just faster. that is basicly how it works. but if you use say increase damage 2 on the weapons and you want to kill something with 1000 hp you get this..

weapon---speed--damage--stam per attack---total stam used to kill 1k mob-
2hd mace 100 100 10 100
dagger 50 50 10 200

as you see (and i have tested this ) if you use quick fighting weapons you will burn twice as much stam as a slow 2hd weapon for the same amount of damage over a set time..

anyone else see what im trying to say? the sap used should be linked to the weapon somehow.

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:50 pm
by sivrup
lordzren wrote:ok i know im making up these damage numbers but you get the idea. i cannot rember what numbers they are.

you have 2 weapons. say a dagger and a 2hd mace

2hd mace 100 100
dagger 50 50

they both give the same damage over a set time but the dagger is just faster. that is basicly how it works. but if you use say increase damage 2 on the weapons and you want to kill something with 1000 hp you get this..

weapon---speed--damage--stam per attack---total stam used to kill 1k mob-
2hd mace 100 100 10 100
dagger 50 50 10 200

as you see (and i have tested this ) if you use quick fighting weapons you will burn twice as much stam as a slow 2hd weapon for the same amount of damage over a set time..

anyone else see what im trying to say? the sap used should be linked to the weapon somehow.
I agree, they could change inc damage to be per 30 seccond intervals. that way the dagger will get in more hits than the mace, but the stamina drain would be the same for doth weapons. As it stands, there is no reason to take any "light" weapon, especially when you can do massive amounts of damage easier with "heavy" weapons.

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:38 pm
by wellow
Yup yup, noticed this in beta, stamina use per damage done is insane with any one-hander vs 2-hander, so it's not balanced. Add that you get more aggro from being closer to the beastie and...

I only use my 2-handers in groups now, matching the reach of the main tank.

I can use the one-handers successfully solo with a lot of hp and "attack after" bricks, saving the heavy hits for critical moments.

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:44 pm
by stevenso
Well when you useing two daggers, it uses more stamina b/c it does hit twice (eventhough it's somewhat hard to tell with the animation.) The first jump and double stab may deal damage, and then the pulling them out may do damage. :)

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 5:58 pm
by sulbe
stevenso wrote:Well when you useing two daggers, it uses more stamina b/c it does hit twice (eventhough it's somewhat hard to tell with the animation.) The first jump and double stab may deal damage, and then the pulling them out may do damage. :)
Ahh if only there were "wrist flick" stanzas :)

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:55 pm
by lordzren
i know they do double damage but ..... they dont.

a dagger will hit 2x for 50 each doing a total of 100hp
a 2hd axe may hit once for 100 hp .

the daggers over time do same dammage but cost 2x the stam and have little reach.

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:51 pm
by jeska
yes, I agree its unbalanced, but its not a glitch. Its always been this way. It makes sense though, because 1h weapons are usually used by people such as light armor users, and have less of a penalty. If you use full heavy armor and a 2h weapon your drain will make the stam loss about as even as if you were using light armor and a dagger. Its not really that big of a deal. No tank in their right mind would use a dagger anyways, thats just retarted.

Re: think i found a bug with daggers.. not sure tho.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:29 am
by nunyas
Actually i think it's fine as it is. It's a matter of the equipment that you use. I use medium armors all the time and ALWAYS wield a dagger and a 1hs (except when i'm in caster mode). My char is level 46 melee with 400 stamina and never runs out of stamina during a fight, even against Hard Kipee. A full suit of medium armor only puts you in the neighborhood of 90 penalty and the amount of stamina used per action *will* vary based on your armor and weapons. Also, how you use your stanzas and modify your actions play a major roll in your effectiveness as a fighter. One of the key things I use *alot* is a "free" increase damage 4 (attack after dodge 3 gives enough credits to allow this), and I RARELY use ID4 as my 'default' attack. I prefer to use one of the lower end ID actions that use hardly any stamina.

On the subject of dual wielding Increased Damage attacks, the weapon in your main hand (in my case a 1hs) receives the ID modifier while the weapon in the off hand (dagger) does not. While this may seem unfair at first, in pract app i've found it to be fine, and with my weapons I sometimes out damage melee partners that are using 2handers. As to which setup actually deals out more damage period, I can't say since I haven't done any "parsing" nor do i really plan to.