Defense of Gu-Qin Workshop
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:39 am
The Citizenz of Matis gathered their allies and set forth to gain a foothold in the Kami homeland. Many answered their call and an invasion force was deployed at the workshop awaiting the appointed hour.
The Kami faithful learnt of this assult and spread the word to all corners of Atys; alliances were sought, friends, fellow citizens and guilds gathered to meet the challange.
A great battle ensued, things looked grim with the attackers quickly taking control. But the defense force rallied and stood firm, many fell but always a brave homin stepped forward to take their place. As the hours wore on a great purpose was felt, the strengh and wisdom of Ma-Duk flowered and spread throughout the defenders. Our ranks became ordered, our spells blazed with renewed energy as we pushed forward and delivered a crushing blow to the horde of unbelivers.
The light of Ma-Duk shines brightly this night.
A very big thank you to everyone who took part, both attackers and defenders. Sadly it was 05:00 for most of Twilight Whispers, who were tucked up in bed, but to the 100 or so homins who made it there my sincere thanks for making it one of the most enjoyable nights i've had the pleasure to spend on Atys.
pic's a bit rubbish but didn't have a lot of free time to frame my shots
/tar Nevrax
*rushin congratulates the dev's on a wicked new feature*

The Kami faithful learnt of this assult and spread the word to all corners of Atys; alliances were sought, friends, fellow citizens and guilds gathered to meet the challange.
A great battle ensued, things looked grim with the attackers quickly taking control. But the defense force rallied and stood firm, many fell but always a brave homin stepped forward to take their place. As the hours wore on a great purpose was felt, the strengh and wisdom of Ma-Duk flowered and spread throughout the defenders. Our ranks became ordered, our spells blazed with renewed energy as we pushed forward and delivered a crushing blow to the horde of unbelivers.
The light of Ma-Duk shines brightly this night.
A very big thank you to everyone who took part, both attackers and defenders. Sadly it was 05:00 for most of Twilight Whispers, who were tucked up in bed, but to the 100 or so homins who made it there my sincere thanks for making it one of the most enjoyable nights i've had the pleasure to spend on Atys.
pic's a bit rubbish but didn't have a lot of free time to frame my shots

/tar Nevrax
*rushin congratulates the dev's on a wicked new feature*