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Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:09 pm
by meh01

I've been looking for a new MMORPG to play, something that is different and fun. I put off playing Ryzom because of the poor reviews, but after playing it I cant understand why it would get such low ratings! It looks better than 99% of the other MMORPGs I've tried in the last month =P

I created a Zorai character and I'm having a blast blowing up santa rats with my acid missiles :D Still trying to figure out how to shoot electricity balls like the zorai guards do... anyone know how to?

Cya ingame :D


Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:33 pm
by dakhound
meh01 wrote:Yeehaw!

I've been looking for a new MMORPG to play, something that is different and fun. I put off playing Ryzom because of the poor reviews, but after playing it I cant understand why it would get such low ratings! It looks better than 99% of the other MMORPGs I've tried in the last month =P

I created a Zorai character and I'm having a blast blowing up santa rats with my acid missiles :D Still trying to figure out how to shoot electricity balls like the zorai guards do... anyone know how to?

Cya ingame :D

firstly welcome

secondly, electricity you get at lvl 125, have fun getting there

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:53 pm
by meh01
How can I see my own level ingame?

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:55 pm
by cygnus
Hit A to bring up your skill trees, P also brings up more info on your char like strength etc. K brings up a list of keyboard shortcuts, you can re-assign them to your liking :)

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:13 pm
by philu
meh01 wrote:How can I see my own level ingame?
You don't just have a single level in Ryzom, you have a level for each skill tree - Fighting, magic, crafting and foraging. At certain points (lvl 20, 50, 100), each of those skills splits into branches and each branch has a level. So, for example, magic splits into offensive and defensive, then into offensive affliction, elemental (also offensive), defensive affliction and healing.

The beuaty of Ryzom is that you're not restricted on which of these skills you raise, you can do evry branch of every tree if you really want to! As Snake said, hit A to see which skills you have levelled.

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:50 pm
by alibasil
welcome to atys :D

if you need a tour of the zorai lands do a /tell alibooma - see you around!

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:12 pm
by marct
meh01 wrote:I created a Zorai character and I'm having a blast blowing up santa rats with my acid missiles :D
OMG did I need that... ROFL STILL.

Santa Rats!!! OMG still rofl

I think the Yubo Liberation Front will have somehting to say about that. In fact I am suprised they have not screamed about the Yubo oppresion as is.

Edit: By the way welcome to our wonderful land.


Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:13 pm
by meh01
Hmmm... then I could level up fighting and get lets of tanking skills, and also train magic and use spells (like a Warmage)?

EDIT: but they are santa rats! they have little red hats and everything :P

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:16 pm
by katriell
meh01 wrote:Hmmm... then I could level up fighting and get lets of tanking skills, and also train magic and use spells (like a Warmage)?

EDIT: but they are santa rats! they have little red hats and everything :P

I once fought with melee, used magic, foraged, and crafted all within 60 seconds. :p

Re: Hello, I'm New!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:22 pm
by ncrijns
meh01 wrote:Hmmm... then I could level up fighting and get lets of tanking skills, and also train magic and use spells (like a Warmage)?

You can train tanking with loads of weapons. There are 14+ different melee weapons alone you can specilize in, and then even the range weapons are there for those who want to pain themselves. You can take the benefits from the fight levels with you as you do the magic. Or the other way around, however you like to see it.