I was once more approached by this Homin that hold me that he had been watching this from a distance. He gave me a small note where he had written down as much as he could from the rantings of this pirate.
He asked me , as he do not wish to tell his name in fear of what the pirates might do to him, to place this note here for you all to read.
[Intro] Now the time has come to put the year past behind us and to welcome the new year
that is just a few days back. And what be better then have a seat and remember
the year that has passed.
And whom is more fit than a blackwater Pirate, Pegleg ! [/intro]
"Fer tha love of ol Jolly R, wharr be me ale !"
"Oh, ye lubber be here ? Me says ye after me ale !"
"Bah, tis reminds me of tha time ye tried to fine our fine loot, bwaahaa."
"Ye couldnt find yer own behinds if ye so had a map telling ye where tha be!"
"Ye were running around like tha Yber lost its head, harr harr."
"Me maties and ol cap'n Sxarface did a great choice hidin' that treasure across
yer lands, ye blind walkers !"
"ye were given clues so easy that an newborn pirate could have find that loot,
but what did ye do ? Ye wer looki'n in tha Mektoubs behind ye did !"
"Mwuahaa, *burp*"
Tharr be some of ye whom could prove fine maties aboard, tha deck always need
cleanin' , speciall after me bucko's festivities fer find new loot. Ya-harr !"
"Aye, tis be that times this, *swigs down a drink*"
"What, ye still here ? And ye faces looks as dumb ! Muhaahaa."
"aye, tis brings me to think of when tha higher up people that ye says ye looks
up to finally got thar behinds of tha hiding and to show themselves."
"Such bushwackles and Lubbers they are, keelhaul 'em all me says !"
"Commin' here speaking fer you of God's. Bah ! Fer nee Gods, fear tha pirates
that roams the seas Harr harr !!"
"Did ye see tham all ? *burp*, bah me had a pretty sight of em as they came
"This Mab-hrekka, or what he says he name is, well that lubber tis been sleeping
well and long, tharr be a dang tree growing in his face !"
"And tis , what be tha name, Dekschton me thinks... One would think that he'd be
flying, or hiding giant ears !! Bwuhahaaa hahaha"
"And tis Whyhlar mate, be he a denti.. nah.. a genti... now a Jenatist or what
ye calls it ? That be the darnest helmets me seen, and me traveled quite that
"Oh, have ye seen tha tall lighthouse tha' walks in Matisch *burps* ? Yarr me ol
first matie almost drove tha ship on the rocks decvived by tis. Me thinks ye
calls him Yrkhanisch, buwahhaaaa."
"arr, tis ol times, me sits here and... what the !! "
"Ye have me grog , give me tha grog !!"
"Ye calls yerself a barman ? Fer tha keel, bring me tha keg !"
"*slurps* Aye, tis ol grog is fine. Gets me mind on tha fine lass me met back
then. Aye."
"As me entered tis ol forsaken town I say one of those Forosians, ye know those
that lives in tha dry place..."
"I had to teach him to respect tha pirates, and as I gave him words of wisdom,
tis lady appeared *belch*. Aye, tha looks she gave me, tis be nay looks to
"Me thinks she said her name was Kostika or sumthin'. Me didnt listen muhahaaa."
"me heard that tha older lands were once more open. Ye wont find nee loot tharr,
tha Blackwater Pirates already scammed tha places, bwuahah..."
"Me bet ye all traveled tharr to find tha treasures, what did ye get ? Ye had
some friendly Kinchers, hahahaa"
"Kick me good leg, tis be times fer us all. Ye had yer fun in tha lands, we had
ours on tha seas, and yer packers did not loose that much weight during it
either, our pockets just got heavier, muuhaaaa *burp*"
"Did ye see tha envoys that came here ? Me saw that one from tha bar. Thay mus
have tha ugliest faces that they have to hide tham behind that helmet thing."
"And what is that that holds their flying things up ? Thay use some special
things , or is it tharr smell !"
"yee know that these Kami flyers, *hiccup* , have in common with that Ybers ?
Both don't know how to land , mwuahahaa."
"Me heard that sumeone was stealin' Homins in that Phyrr place ?"
"See he cannot be nee pirate, all good pirates knows ye shall only take what be
in tha pockets, not tha whole thing, with homin in it and all !"
"harr harr"
"What ! Me glass is broken *burp* , nay ! Tis be empty. Me grogs fer that lovfe
of tah seas!"
"Arr give me yer ale and grog barman, me buckos here will settle tha bill fer ya
"*belches* yarr, tisch be schtring fine grogh.."
"Ye looks funny tharr, ye reminds me of tha losscht fella, whats he name...
schi... skint... S'int T'Klaesch or sumthin'.. dang strange name, me tounge
"Aye he was a fine bucko, leaving all loot on tha packer all alone, yarr tis be
a fine catch fer us pirates !!"
"aye packers, tis tells me aobut tha lass that fergot her little carry
thing in tha Roots, a wise pirate never enters tha Roots, tharr be no
seas "
"Ye all set out fer tis little lass an' her steak! Noble indeed, and
yer packers werr still around here just waitin' fer us to have us a
look, harr harr."
"Speakin' of lasses, me heard ye all went after hunti'n a lass all
around tha place ? Be ye all so bad ye has to hunt tha lasses. If ye
were tha great pirate as I, tha lasses comes to yee. "
"Running all that fer a lass..."
"yarr, tha bell rings, or tis be me head. Tha schip is waitin' fer me, *hiccup*"
"Me'll leave ye dang lan'lubber and scallywanks fer yerself...*
"Nexscht time we meet, it'll be when yer pockets are empty and we face ye with a
"Oh , one thang strickens me mind; with all yer in-fightin' tha comes, yer loot will be an easy pick fer us. buahahahaa!.
"Meet ye at tha seas lubbers, our keel awaits ye! Mwuahhahaaa."