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New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:30 pm
by grouchy
Hi. I've played the game before (million dapper if you can guess who!). On a trial account to see what's changed. Did they ever fix daggers? Because I remember them being pretty, how do you say, useless for all practical purposes. (omit) If there is a place where the devs (seriously) look at feedback, point me in that direction. (omit)

Also, how long do they hold onto cancelled accounts. If I like what I see changes-wise I might fire up the old account and start playing again.

Just wanted to say, "What up Atys."

-The Grouch-

Edited due to my Columbus like discovery of the Feedback Forum...Duh

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:42 pm
by richky
Hi, and welcome back. I'm relatively new, so wouldn't have known you before :) .
grouchy wrote:Did they ever fix daggers? Because I remember them being pretty, how do you say, useless for all practical purposes.

If you mean, is a little dagger just as effective as a two-handed axe in slaying huge tyrancha, then the answer is no. If you mean, is a dagger better than fists in a close-combat fight, then the answer is yes. It is definitely not the hunting weapon of choice, though a few use it as a left-hand weapon.
grouchy wrote:If there is a place where the devs (seriously) look at feedback, point me in that direction.
The Feedback section of the forums seems to have the best chance.

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:53 pm
by grouchy
Thanks for the welcome. I put that bit about the million dappers because I know no one will get it.

On the daggers thing. I had several issues with daggers as they were when I was actively playing. None of them have to do with how much damage they do. It's all about utility in a group and functionality in PvP. Daggers have neither. This is how my long rants start, so I'll quit now. I have been thinking ever since I quit on how to make daggers in this particular game better. If they did (not just my suggestiong, ANY improvement) it would honestly be the thing that brought me back to the game long term. That or Bow & Arrow...

-The Grouch-

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:05 pm
by kostika
Hmmm...You could be so many people. I know you're not the one I'm waiting for though ;)

Welcome back though. Come say hi if we knew each other before.

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:22 pm
by nialld
And it can only be Kashius. I trust Bosamba has enjoyed his vacation ;p

There was a post a couple of weeks or months back where someone mentioned the difficulty of duelling a dual-dagger wielder as a magic user. And I kind of remember that was your angle on daggers and PvP.

Well war is here so it may be your thing now ... I think though (if my guess of personality is correct) that you'll need to be more flexible to enjoy the PvP in Ryzom. I believe there have been no changes to daggers since you were last on Atys

My apologies if my own dagger stab at your true identity is wide of the mark.

Personally, I think Crythos proved to my satisfaction that ranged can be effective in PvP (ouch those bullets hurt!) if you fancy the (extremely difficult) 'bow and arrow' route


Re: New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:46 pm
by katriell
Well, I suppose attacking a mage in PvP with double-daggers could interrupt their casts.

Welcome back. :)

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:00 pm
by grouchy
Nail...seriously. Of the MAYBE 10 people who know me...ugh. Now I'm out a million daps, oh well. It was several months ago I last had an active account. I ran into some...difficulties, and kinda dropped off the face of the earth, not just the game. Anyways, good to see you're still kicking around.


P.S. Sorry to disappoint Kostika

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:03 am
by kostika
grouchy wrote:P.S. Sorry to disappoint Kostika

No disappointment. Its always good to see people returning :D

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:53 am
by philu
Welcome back, hope you decide to stay and fire up that old account. :D

On the subject of that, I believe one of the CSR confirmed recently that they don't remove old accounts, not full paying ones anyway. They only remove the trial accounts. I also know of people coming back after breaks of 9 months and their account and charcater are still there. So get firing. :)

Re: New Kinda

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:21 pm
by shadowweb
If you email with all the details, we can let you know the status of your old account.