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[video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:25 pm
by sdante
Hi there, I'm Dantes from the French community.

Sorry I don't speak german so I'll post in english.

Here's my lastest movie I've just made. It's a videoclip of the song "I fought the law" by the Clash where you can see me ahving fun dansing in front of the captain of Avendale or the Kami or the Karavan. I shoot at a snowman... The rest you'll see it in the movie.

42mb 2m58s 640*512 divx.

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:48 pm
by spiderpr
sdante wrote:Hi there, I'm Dantes from the French community.

Sorry I don't speak german so I'll post in english.

Here's my lastest movie I've just made. It's a videoclip of the song "I fought the law" by the Clash where you can see me ahving fun dansing in front of the captain of Avendale or the Kami or the Karavan. I shoot at a snowman... The rest you'll see it in the movie.

42mb 2m58s 640*512 divx.
"hallo, ich bin dantes aus der französichen community.

sorry aber ich spreche kein deutsch, desshalb poste ich in englisch.

dies ist mein neustes video. es ist ein musikvideo des songs "I fought the law" von Clash. wie ihr sehn könnt hab ich ne menge spass vor dem captain von avendale oder dem kami oder karavan.ich schiesse auf einen schneemann..den rest könnt ihr im video sehn."

lol, seine lebensgeschichte ;) hätte er besser auf französisch geschrieben...

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:24 pm
by acridiel
Yeah, Dantes! Bin drann...

Spider, du hast dich beim LINK vertan.

Kommt heute Abend auf meine Page ;) , dann is der DL auch schneller.
(I´ll put it on my page tonight, download will be a bit faster.)


Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:49 pm
by caaahl
Well, french humour seems to be a strange one. :D

But nice editing anyway. :)

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:16 pm
by schwabi
der speed geht doch hat doch 620kb

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:20 pm
by teslina
ich finde es klasse!

hat er suuuper gut hinbekommen :p

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:31 pm
by cushing
Fun clip, indeed.

Dantes - that name is a reference to Edmond Dantes, isn't it, rather than Dante?

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:34 pm
by sdante
cushing wrote:Fun clip, indeed.

Dantes - that name is a reference to Edmond Dantes, isn't it, rather than Dante?
It's for Dante not Edmond Dantes. I just put the "S" because I couldn't choose dante.

Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:44 pm
by jonasq
Hübsch gemacht.... sehr amüsant


Re: [video] I fought the Law from aniro

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:12 pm
by cushing
The French - have a great hero out of World literature and choose the name of an Italian writer instead ... ;)