When creating a character choose craft, harvest and magic, this will give you more skill points to play around with in the long run. Get your hands on a good 2h sword or axe and you should get the fight skill free after you've killed a yubo or two. Melee is easiest to level solo on the training island and magic can be levelled quick enough if you team up with a similar levelled fighter and heal. Go to the trainers every few levels to buy new skills. At the fighter trainer concentrate on increasing hit points and then increased damage. When you start running out of stamina too soon in fights start to increase it too. Hit points will come in handy at later levels too for crediting your spells.
The training island is only supposed to be a real challenge up to level 20, so xp begins to drop off afterwards. My advice would be to stay on the island till you have a few skills up to lvl 20 and feel happy with the controls. Magic and melee are a good choice here because if you find the training island too quiet you can level harvest and craft when you go to the mainland The starting town will have materials up to quality 50 in the surrounding area. There are lots of people on the mainland who can help you too and give good advice.
Google "doubletap harvesting guide" or "Ballistic Mystix" for a few good guides, maps and mob and materials info.
If you plan to subscribe to Ryzom I'd suggest not joining the first guild that throws you an invite, but look around for a good guild that suits you.
It is also a good idea to display other players' hit points, sap and stamina. To do this hit the "U" key, go into "interface" then into "in scene" and click on "friends" then tick the appropriate boxes. Also if you have a window that says "Window/Game/actions" then right-click on one of the tabs at the top of the window and select "icon mode".
Basic shortcuts (assuming you don't remap them!):
The "A" key will show you your levels
The "L" key will light up the area around you.
The "P" key will give you info about your character, like how many skill points you have or your constitution. When you reach certain level targets you can also set your title here too.
The "K" key will bring up a list of keyboard shortcuts.
Basic commands to type into the chat window are:
/who (this displays a list of people in the same region as you, the info appears in your system info window
/where (tells you where you are)
/burp (burp emote - a very important one to remember
/wave (wave emote)
/tell <player name here> e.g. "/tell Kirijoleth" to talk to a specific player
Good hunting and watch out for the gingos!