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The Tale of the Hidden Source

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 7:59 am
by nillian
...And then she awoke. Bleary-eyed and sore, she lifted herself to her feet. Unaware of the man stood behind her, she began to check that nothing was broken, and opened her bag; magic amps, pick, black skirt. All seemed present and correct. She noticed a small but horrific scar on her side, three lines, almost a scratch from a claw.

‘Nillian?’ Said a hushed voice. She replied automatically,


‘Are you OK?’

She spun round, and her eyes lay upon a handsome Zorai she didn’t recognise.

‘Who are you?’ She whispered, trying desperately to see what he was holding in his hand. Suddenly realising what a state she must look, she pulled her clothes into a more presentable state, and ruffled her hair a little so as to make it look deliberately messy.

‘It’s me, it’s Zahan,’ said the Zorai. It became clear to him that she was suffering from ressurection sickness. He ran through the symptoms in his head whilst eyeing Nillian, to reassure himself that’s what it was. He was convinced. He tilted his head slightly, and asked again.

‘Nilly, it’s me, are you hurt?’ he said, taking her hand. ‘You were killed by that cuttler over there.’ He pointed and her gaze was slowly drawn to an off-green creature not unlike a fat gingo, with huge cream spikes on its back. She seemed to start regaining her memory, as Zahan brought her closer to him and whispered into her ear, ‘We need to move, fast.’

He gripped her hand tight and started pulling her away from where she stood. She quickly cottoned on, and preferring the stranger’s company to that of the cuttler, she started to pick up speed and soon they were at full pelt. The run in the cool forest breeze was clearly the catalyst she needed to break out of her amnesia and grogginess, and her expression grew more worried as the situation dawned on her.

‘Zee, heal me, quickly, he’s coming!’ she screamed, as the cuttler realised they weren’t dead and began to give chase. Zahan muttered under his breath and was suddenly thrown into the air by the sheer power of the magic he was casting, blue light beams reaching all the way to the sky and his magic amplifiers sparkling with resplendent blue energy. As she felt the life rush back into her, Nillian quickly began to cast herself, but a very different spell altogether, as a magical snake rapidly materialised around her spinning body, and a ball of deadly poison was summoned at her fingertips. She carefully took aim at the cuttler, and balancing accuracy with speed, she threw the poison directly at it’s head. Direct hit. She began chanting once more, and again the snake appeared, and again she got a direct hit. The cuttler was nearly dead, but then Nillian heard a cry from behind her.

‘Nilly help me!’ screamed Zahan, his face contorted in pain. The casting was sucking the life out of him, he was doubled-over, and Nillian didn’t hesitate for a second. She knew that without Zahan she was as good as dead; there was no way she could kill the cuttler without his support. She cast a weak healing spell in Zahan’s direction, but missed. She started to panic, but controlled herself and began to cast again. She was rising into the air, just as Zahan had, blue light blinding her as she did so, when the cuttler bit her leg so hard she fell into a heap on the ground. Seeing this, Zahan seemed to get a new wave of life and determination, and he began to stand up straight, then began to incant, and as he rose he shouted ‘One last push!’ and Nillian knew exactly what he meant. She got to her feet, avoiding the cuttlers gnashing teeth, and began to cast a weak variation of the poison spell she was using. She felt life flood into her again as Zahan completed his healing incantation and she span round and hurled a small ball of poison at the beast. Direct hit. The evil face of the creature began to twist and writhe in pain, before it fell to the floor in one final, indignant growl.

Breathless, exhausted and quite injured, Nillian sat down to recover some strength before she healed Zahan up and pulled him close to hug him. They embraced for no more than a few seconds before Zahan noticed more cuttlers wandering towards them and told Nillian they had better hurry if they wanted to stay alive much longer. She heeded his advice, and they began to tear off further into the Hidden Source.

‘I told you this would be an adventure, did I not?’ said Nillian when they had reached safer ground, seemingly unaware of the fact she had just died and been brought back to life by her companion.

‘That you did,’ chuckled Zahan as they rounded a corner in the cliffs, which opened out into the most beautiful sight they had ever seen. ‘What is that?’ he asked her, as they began to pick up speed in pursuit of the wonderful place that lay ahead.

‘That, my dear friend, is the Virginia Falls. It is the source of water that feeds the forest, and it marks the end of the arid desert. Speechless, Zahan broke into a full run, with Nillian close behind.

‘Oh you dropped your necklace, by the way, when you were casting,’ he splurted, and looking a little shy, he held out his hand.

‘That’s impossible,’ she argued, ‘I always keep my necklace around my…’ but she realised even as she said it that it had gone, feeling her chest bare. She let out a small whimper and looked in his hand. Sure enough, it was hers, left to her by her mother, who received it from hers and so on and so on for centuries back. It held a locket which was enchanted with the magical essence of each of her female predecessors, and gave her strength beyond measure when she found she really needed it. Zahan looked nervous, almost as though he felt he shouldn’t have picked it up, which, given that he knew how important and sacred it was to Nillian, was probably very accurate. She snatched it out of his hand, and marvelled at it, gleaming and humming slightly in her small hand. She clasped it tight and jumped on Zahan, giving him an enormous hug. He looked quite relieved that he’d done the right thing and she thanked him over and over again to the sound of his usual nonchalant acceptance.

They cotinued on their journey, and eventually reached the Falls. Huge, crashing waterfalls deafened them to their surroundings and for what seemed like a long time, they were insulated from the entire world. They spent time chatting and admiring the gorgeous view, the sunlight sparkling on the ripples, and the overbright glare of the foam at the bottom of the falls. They started walking towards a clan of Matis hunters known as the Arid Matis, and got chatting to them for a little while, asking directions and advice about the next part of their jouney towards the Knoll of Dissent. They were warned of monstrous kitin along their path, known as kipuckas, and that there were torbak packs wandering the area. A little disheartened, having hoped for an easy walk to the Knoll, they gathered their things, said goodbye to the Arid Matis and began on their way again.

It wasn’t long before they saw the kipucka the hunters had mentioned. Being careful not to be too loud, the duo snuck over to the nearest cliff, and hugging it like it was a cuddly animal, they began to slowly creep past the patrolling monstrosities. Nillian could hear Zahan breathing intensely behind her, and wished they were far away from here, back in the Pyr bath house where they had gotten to know each other so well. She collected her thoughts, and continued to sneak as quietly as she could. It wasn’t quiet enough. One of the kipucka scouts had heard her, and began to growl and march over to where they were situated. Nillian turned to Zahan and whispered to him.

‘We have to get a move on, that scout has noticed something’s not right,’ and Zahan didn’t waste any time in fastening his amps and picking up speed. ‘Don’t look back,’ she said, ‘it might think we’re just another gnoof or something.’

But even as she said so, the kipucka roared and began to come after them, it’s magnificent legs working in perfect harmony, carrying it faster than any homin could dream of running without magic. Nillian screamed and her and Zahan began to run as fast they could, trying to avoid the torbaks sniffing around to their left. Zahan began to pant loudly, and realising she too was out of breath, Nillian shouted at the top of her voice.

‘Use your speed spell!’ as she began to jet off at an amazing pace. Zahan quickly followed suit and soon enough they had put 150 metres between themselves and the scout. The scout quickly became disinterested, realising it wasn’t going to catch the pair of tasty homins, and scuttled off back to its patrol. Relieved, seriously winded and still frightened, the unlikely duo began to resume a normal walk again. They had arranged to meet Gurthgor at an outpost nearby, and soon enough they could see him in the distance, standing proud, resting his hands on his flaming Stavon. He called out to them and they ran the last stretch, pleased to see a friendly face at long last.

‘Hey guys! You took your time getting here!’ he bellowed, clearly oblivious to their arduous journey.

‘Yeah, well, we stopped for a quick bite to eat and some Firewine at the Falls, if you must know,’ retorted Nillian, not impressed by Gurthgor’s light-hearted demeanor. ‘As we’re so late, I guess we should get moving straight away. I want to put as much distance between this place and myself as I can.’

Nillian tore off to the right, heading in a direct line towards the Knoll of Dissent, Zahan close behind, her head held high and her white sleeves billowing in the breeze. She looked up, and saw more kitin patrols, more torbaks, more cuttlers and some nasty looking plants she didn’t want to get on the wrong side of. She sighed, fastened her amps, and continued to walk on, determined not to be beaten. Sensing that something was wrong, she turned around to discover that Gurthgor had stayed exactly where they had met him. Annoyed, she began to march back in order to give him some sort of reprimand.

‘What are you doing?!’ she cried out, ‘are you coming with us or what?’

‘Not if you’re going that way,’ he said, cool as Tryker ale, ‘but if we go this way, I might be persuaded.’ He pointed in the direction he wanted to go, and Nillian quickly realised there was a definite lack of anything nasty over there.

‘Right,’ she said, ‘OK, I guess we’ll go that way then, unless Zahan has something to say about it?’ Secretly wishing Zahan would help her save face by choosing the other route, she was even more embarassed when he showed no signs of argument. She sighed again, composed herself and began to follow Gurthgor and Zahan.

The rest of the journey was a piece of ploderos, as Gurthgor had suggested, and they chatted away happily, very glad to be out of the Hidden Source. They walked for what seemed like miles, until finally they reached what they had been aiming for. The portal cut into the ground at the Knoll of Dissent lay before them, and beyond that, the Abyss of Ichor...


Hope you enjoyed that, and well done for getting all the way through it :p

Comments welcome :)

Re: The Tale of the Hidden Source

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:03 pm
by rabcaz
A wonderful telling my friend, done in such way that when one reads it you are there and experience this to happen.

Thank you for sharing this


// Drakfot

Re: The Tale of the Hidden Source

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:11 pm
by carrie
Great tale Nillian.

Re: The Tale of the Hidden Source

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:08 pm
by aardnebb
Wow, nicely told Nillian!

*smiles warmly*

I hope you write more as they happen!

Re: The Tale of the Hidden Source

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:19 am
by nillian
aardnebb wrote:I hope you write more as they happen!
Then let us go on more adventures my love!

Re: The Tale of the Hidden Source

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:18 pm
by riveit
Thank you for that beautifully written tale, Nillian!