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Honor points

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:53 pm
by shalon
How do we know how many honor points we have? I was currently in my first event to kill the dryads. It said my fame was going up. Not sure if fame are honor points or vice versa. Do I have to go to a temple to check my points? Just alittle confused. :D


Re: Honor points

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:55 pm
by bcharles
shalon wrote:How do we know how many honor points we have? I was currently in my first event to kill the dryads. It said my fame was going up. Not sure if fame are honor points or vice versa. Do I have to go to a temple to check my points? Just alittle confused. :D

Fame and honor points are different things. Fame tells you how well you are liked by the various races and tribes, you can check it by hitting ctrl-f. Honor points are rewards you get for events, you can check it by hitting 'p'.

Re: Honor points

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:01 pm
by riveit
Fame is different than honor points. Fame is the older system where you have fame with Karavan, Kami, each race and each individual tribe. Fame doesn't have many rewards although you can access certain missions and rites with high enough fame. Having fame below -80 with a tribe will mean that tribe attacks you when you enter their camp. Also the vendors of different races adjust your base price according to your fame with that race.

Honor points were gained only in the ancient lands in the EP2 event by fighting the other faction, digging or crafting. At the moment there are only Karavan and Kami honor points. We are told that future events will allow homins to gain more honor points. Your honor points are listed at the bottom of your identity window. Your fame with various factions, races and tribes is in your fame window (CTRL-F).