Way back when, Raynes went to E3. He mentioned that the Nevrax devs corrected is pronunciation of "Kitin". He (Raynes) pronounced it "kitten" (like baby cats) but was corrected and told it was pronounced "chitin" (like the main component of arthropod exoskeletons) or "kite-in".
It's always great fun on our guild Ventrilo server to trade pronunciations of town names, mob names, boss mob names, etc.
I'll give a few examples of how I pronounce things using a North East American dialect equivalent (I'm in Pennsylvania, USA):
Yrkanis: "irk" as in "that rude comment irked me", + "can" as in "can of soup" + "iss" as in "you missed me"
Karavan: like "caravan"
Kami: "cam" like camshaft + "ee" as in knee (as opposed "commie" like the semi-derogatory epithet for a communist)
Pyr: pyre (as in "funeral pyre")
Kachine: like "machine"
so fill in the blanks on these:
So how do you pronounce it?
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
Kami : I always it as <ka-mi> rather than <kam-i>; say "commie," do Kami
Karavan : can it be pronounced differently than "caravan"?
Umbra : poke
Ichor : again poke
Dzao : seems to be the most 'right' when said like Tao, but with a 'z' right after the pronounced 'd'
Dyron : dye (like "die") + wron (like "wrong")
Aen : ay (like "say") + en (like "end")
Motega : mo (like "Moe") + tay (like "tailor") + guh (like "gullible")
Zun : like sun, but with a 'z'
Karavan : can it be pronounced differently than "caravan"?
Umbra : poke
Ichor : again poke
Dzao : seems to be the most 'right' when said like Tao, but with a 'z' right after the pronounced 'd'
Dyron : dye (like "die") + wron (like "wrong")
Aen : ay (like "say") + en (like "end")
Motega : mo (like "Moe") + tay (like "tailor") + guh (like "gullible")
Zun : like sun, but with a 'z'
Waiting for R2
Running around Silan as Asyne
"In the world I see, you're stalking elk through the damp canyon forest around the ruins of Rockefeller Center."
Waiting for R2
Running around Silan as Asyne
"In the world I see, you're stalking elk through the damp canyon forest around the ruins of Rockefeller Center."
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
Pyr - Pyre? idk i always prononuced it.. Pyr.. like purr.. like a cat
zun - i think a chinesy way of sayign 'zoon' rather than sun with a z
Ichor - Eye-Kor
and for Zorai.. is it "zori" or is it (like the japanese would say) "zora-e"
(in example - "kuroari" is pronunced "ku-ro-ar-i" not "koroory" (with the rolling l/r since the japs dont have a said 'r' )
Fyros - Fye-ros
Matis - Mahtis.. idk just the way its spelld
Tryker - Try - ker (like hand-KER-chief)(sp)
Yubo - You-bo (as in BOat) or one friend calls it "you-boo" (as in BOO i scared u)
Bodoc - i think its "bo-doc" (BOat-Dock) but i spose it could be said 'bodoc' like 'bollock' pronouncing the "o"s like in bOmb
and then Rashan - as in.. RASH-on .. as in unwanted *snags another drink*.... good taste though..
wow.. and hundreds of others
zun - i think a chinesy way of sayign 'zoon' rather than sun with a z
Ichor - Eye-Kor
and for Zorai.. is it "zori" or is it (like the japanese would say) "zora-e"
(in example - "kuroari" is pronunced "ku-ro-ar-i" not "koroory" (with the rolling l/r since the japs dont have a said 'r' )
Fyros - Fye-ros
Matis - Mahtis.. idk just the way its spelld
Tryker - Try - ker (like hand-KER-chief)(sp)
Yubo - You-bo (as in BOat) or one friend calls it "you-boo" (as in BOO i scared u)
Bodoc - i think its "bo-doc" (BOat-Dock) but i spose it could be said 'bodoc' like 'bollock' pronouncing the "o"s like in bOmb
and then Rashan - as in.. RASH-on .. as in unwanted *snags another drink*.... good taste though..
wow.. and hundreds of others
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
clemond1 wrote: trade pronunciations of town names, mob names, boss mob names, etc.
Only my 2 cents (Euro cents ) . Since Ryzom is developped by a french company, I always thought that the pronounciation is more french-based (stressing the last syllabe, no i->"ai", etc.)
For example:
Pyr, imho is intended to be more like "peer" than "pyre"
Kirosta (chi-rosta) not like 'kair'
Nice post, Thara
Anissa - Jena's Lost Tribe -
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
I remember listening to Neun at the first RL meet and he pronounced Tryker(try-kerr) as 'tricker' and Fyros(fire-os) as 'Fir-ous', amongst other stuff which amused me somewhat (i was pretty drunk)clemond1 wrote:fill in the blanks
I've always pronounced Kitin as 'kitten' and Pyr as 'purr'...(there is no intentional cat theme here).
Yubo as 'you-bow' (bow as in arrow...phew, this is complex)
Goari as 'go-are-i'.
Then again, when you sound as northern and stupid as me..everything just sounds like unintelligable grunts to most!
Officer - The Samsara
'Jool not sure what going on!'
Officer - The Samsara
'Jool not sure what going on!'
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
*Remebers the joy of finding that Jool pronounces things like spriteh does *rob01 wrote:I remember listening to Neun at the first RL meet and he pronounced Tryker(try-kerr) as 'tricker' and Fyros(fire-os) as 'Fir-ous', amongst other stuff which amused me somewhat (i was pretty drunk)
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
rob01 wrote:I remember listening to Neun at the first RL meet and he pronounced Tryker(try-kerr) as 'tricker' and Fyros(fire-os) as 'Fir-ous', amongst other stuff which amused me somewhat (i was pretty drunk)
Sweet memories *hugs*
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
BnD@W, so I hope this will come out making some sense. Also remember I am dutch with love for languages... Trying to write phonetic.
Yrkanis: "irk" as in "that rude comment irked me", + "kah" + "niss" as in "you missed me"
Kami: KAAH-mee
Pyr: peer
Kachine: kâh-TSJEE-neh
Motega: mow-TEA-gaa
Pilan: PEE-lan
Loria: Lôh-ree-aah
And now for all people that never been to Fryslân...
Frydeswinde: fri-dès-WIN-du (with a rolling R)
Yrkanis: "irk" as in "that rude comment irked me", + "kah" + "niss" as in "you missed me"
Kami: KAAH-mee
Pyr: peer
Kachine: kâh-TSJEE-neh
Motega: mow-TEA-gaa
Pilan: PEE-lan
Loria: Lôh-ree-aah
And now for all people that never been to Fryslân...
Frydeswinde: fri-dès-WIN-du (with a rolling R)
Evolution member.
Founder of the Yubo Liberation Front.
Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Evolution member.
Founder of the Yubo Liberation Front.
Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
rob01 wrote:Goari as 'go-are-i'.
Gorai: 'gore-eye' as in that film had a lot of gore in it. And, ack you stabbed me in the eye. with a slur between the two.
Yubo: agree You-bow(as in a wepon that shoots arrows)
in Neun's camp:
fyros: as 'fi-roas' like fe fi fo fum and roas as in trying to say the word roast
Tyker: as 'Tri-kerr' as in tri-cycle and Steve Kerr the basketball player.
Kachine: I never though Kachine sounded like machine for some reason... never hit me I have been say Ka-chine with chine sounding like it does here chine Guess that shows my obscure wordiness though.
Yrkanis: Yur-can-is Yur as in Yurt; Can as in a can of food; and is as in 'piss' not this 'is' funny
Matis: mat-is as in above for the is sound and mat as in a yoga mat.
And it is Noin rhyming with 'coin' or as one of those guildies on Vent says rhyming with 'groin'
The long version is Noin-yo-ssalg with the ssalg being an ellongated s sound followed by the 'alg' sound as in 'all' with a Gah sound for the g.
I think this should spawn the BM pronunciations page. With a cute little Tryker female voice pronouncing the words. It would be super cool to be able to load the pronunciation of your character name and upload a recording of how it is pronounced.
Even better a TTS of it in-game so that someone could right click you and select "Greetings" and have it play the TTS of your name on their machine.
Noin - as in coin.
~ Noinossalg (Noin to most) ~ OmegaV ~ King Of Nexus ~
~ Adventurer First ~ Home: Windermeer ~ Residence: Arispotle ~
~ The Windermeer Male Fashion Show Champion ~
~ Ubi major, minor cessat - The weak capitulate before the strong ~
~ Adventurer First ~ Home: Windermeer ~ Residence: Arispotle ~
~ The Windermeer Male Fashion Show Champion ~
~ Ubi major, minor cessat - The weak capitulate before the strong ~
Re: So how do you pronounce it?
Okay, originally from Pennsylvania (so north american).
Kitin= Kite-in
Yrkanis= Yr (Ur)-Kan (Can)-is
Kami= kam (like calm)-i (ee)
Pyr= Lols. can never settle on a way to pronouce this one.
Zun=Hun with a Z
Thesos=Similar to thesis but with an o
Dyron=Die-ron(ron like the name)
Motega=Mo(like the name Moe)-Teg(Like Keg)-a(like uh)
Loria=Like Lori with uh at the end
Aen=Ay-hen (with out the h)
Kitin= Kite-in
Yrkanis= Yr (Ur)-Kan (Can)-is
Kami= kam (like calm)-i (ee)
Pyr= Lols. can never settle on a way to pronouce this one.
Zun=Hun with a Z
Thesos=Similar to thesis but with an o
Dyron=Die-ron(ron like the name)
Motega=Mo(like the name Moe)-Teg(Like Keg)-a(like uh)
Loria=Like Lori with uh at the end
Aen=Ay-hen (with out the h)
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