final60 wrote:Will keep this short n sweet.You know who you are
I'm not one to hold grudges at all, but i like to get even, which DCP did the other night. The DCP member that was in the TP run party didn't realise he was setting you guys up! So yeah, you had it coming and you got it good, the slate is wiped clean over here
Hostilities won't occur anymore, unless provoked
oh and er blaze smells of rotted cabbage, j takes it for a fiver and cat is wrong. cough
Now let me see....
From reading the above it would seem to me that the writer is possibly quite young.
To state that they do not hold grudges, but also likes to get even... the "get even" cancels out the "do not hold grudges" so that means you do hold grudges.....
Sounds to me like your a little confused.
Now the point that you used one of your own guild members to set these people up does not sound too good to me either. It must have been a serious grudge that you, so say, didnt have againist these people.
It could not have been nice for your guild member to have been put into this situation either. Sounds rather cruel and heartless to exploit your guild member in this way.
Now apparantly according to a reply I read here, the initial action that lead to the apparant grudge you say you didnt have, was three months ago, and now you have acted in this way.
Are you really sure you dont hold grudges? Sounds to me like you do!
I think it is time that you think long and hard about your actions in this matter. Maybe even think about what happened those three months ago and why what ever happend did happen. Maybe what happend was justifiable based on what transpired. You could be the person in the wrong you know.
I would hope that you have apologised to the poor unfortunate guild member who you used and abussed so calusly.
Your characters name, which I take to be "Final", is cropping up now in a few posts within the forums, and none of them paint your character in a positive light.
Judging by your final line
[/QUOTE]oh and er blaze smells of rotted cabbage, j takes it for a fiver and cat is wrong. cough[/QUOTE]
you are a rather imature individual who seriously needs to grow up.
I do beleive that you should look long and hard at the way you act and the way you are percieved by others. You are getting a lot of negative press within the Forums as is your Guild.
If I was your Guild Leader I would seriously have to think about kicking you for the actions you are reported to have commited and the bad feeling that you are generating.
People like you always spoil things for others.....