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Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:08 pm
by carrie
Could you please explain why Lathan has been suspended from the forums for trolling. Your stated policy is as follows:
Since there have been misunderstandings, here the procedures of forum rules enforcement:
- When a new flaming/trolling post appears, I look at the history of the account, to see if this is a reccurrent behavior or not;
- If it isn't, I just issue a warning by email;
- If it is, or if a warning has been ignored, the forum access is suspended.
He has not received any previous warnings for posts on these forums and, yet, today received notice that his access has been suspended. This is clearly not in keeping with the above stated policy.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:22 pm
by sprite
Hope you don't mind an unofficial guess at the reason...
I would hazard a guess that it was for
this post. In
this post, Xavier explained that the "Trolling" thread was in itself a warning.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:37 pm
by carrie
First and foremost, his policy which appears in that same thread clearly states a warning BY EMAIL. But I get it now...Nevrax is using the definition of forum meaning "a law court; tribunal" rather than the more commonly thought "opportunity for open discussion".
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:38 pm
by aadvz
Also never had a warning about forum behavour at all, email or in game.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:48 pm
by pr0ger
if you stop ranting about ban, fair or unfair, you'll not get banned. easy as a pie. No fear to have, to tears to cry.
This is strange that we play with fire. Is the english community so rebellous ?
Topic of the day : after PvP, the kick-ban ! please have mercy of people b@w seeking ryzom-gameplay-related-topic
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:57 pm
by carrie
This started as a simple request to Nevrax for an explanation of their stated policy not a rant. To not question the failure to adhere to their own stated policy would be ridiculous.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:59 pm
by carrie
I am posting the following at the request of Lathan who is no longer able to access the forums due to suspension:
On closer examination of Xavier's policy, and upon talking to a guide in game, it appears that he can (and will) ban instantly from the forums, at the first hint of any post he himself doesn't like, just by going back and finding some past evidence of "trolling".
I suspect that almost everyone on this forum has had some time when they've been frustrated and posted expressing that, which is no more than any of the people who've been banned have done. So we all have the choice, it seems, to post that everything is rosey, or to be banned from the forums. Else leave by our own choice.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:04 pm
by Xavier Antoviaque
carrie wrote:Could you please explain why Lathan has been suspended from the forums for trolling. Your stated policy is as follows:
He has not received any previous warnings for posts on these forums and, yet, today received notice that he access has been suspended. This is clearly not in keeping with the above stated policy.
The 'Trolls and flames' thread was considered as a warning in itself for the posters who flamed in it. It is not the case for the other threads created since then - the warnings are then sent before acting, unless there is a strong history of flaming.
Also, I want to insist on the fact that there is no will to stop negative comments, only to have
courteous posts and avoid endless troll threads. Most of the users of this forum are respectful of the others, and have nothing to fear from the current inforcement.
1. Well-mannered behavior toward others: civility, courteousness, genteelness, gentility, mannerliness, politeness, politesse. See courtesy/discourtesy.
2. A courteous act or courteous acts that contribute to smoothness and ease in dealings and social relationships amenity (used in plural), civility, pleasantry, politeness, propriety (used in plural). See courtesy/discourtesy.
3. An act requiring special generosity: beau geste, compliment, favor. See give/take/reciprocity.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:08 pm
by carrie
Thank you for the response, Xavier. I sincerely appreciate it. Now if I could bother you once more and ask you to point out which part of this post was discourteous. Further, I know for a fact that Lathan does not have a history of flaming. So I'm still at a loss regarding this suspension.
Re: Trolls and flaming
A more bitter person than I might say that Nevrax, you catered to a PvP community, now live with it.
A more cynical person than I might say that GrimJim was only banned at his first post because certain people at Nevrax had had enough of having their mistakes and inconsistencies pointed out by him.
A much more cynical (and arguably paranoid) person than I might say that Nevrax was attempting to draw out the flamers/"trolls" (aside: whoever wrote that website on "trolls" needs help.. seriously (disclaimer: should that be anyone working for Nevrax or involved in this game in any way, I didn't know, therefore it's an impersonal attack)) in order that they could ban them from the forum and get them out of their hair.
Luckily, I am neither bitter nor cynical, and rarely paranoid, although a less honest person than me would claim that were it the truth or not.
Re: Please Explain This
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:20 pm
by Xavier Antoviaque
carrie wrote:Thank you for the response, Xavier. I sincerely appreciate it. Now if I could bother you once more and ask you to point out which part of this post was discourteous. Further, I know for a fact that Lathan does not have a history of flaming. So I'm still at a loss regarding this suspension.
The first part:
A more bitter person than I might say that Nevrax, you catered to a PvP community, now live with it.
A more cynical person than I might say that GrimJim was only banned at his first post because certain people at Nevrax had had enough of having their mistakes and inconsistencies pointed out by him.
Using the "A more cynical person than I might say..." trick is just a way to saying something without taking the responsability of what is said. And what is said is "GrimJim was only banned at his first post because certain people at Nevrax had had enough of having their mistakes and inconsistencies pointed out by him.". That's ranting and personal attack.