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Visiting a New World

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:16 am
by lyrall
Here I am, taking a break from my wanderings of many worlds. Maybe this one will strike my fancy enough that I might tarry here a bit, hmm?

-New guy :)

I saw this while surfing around, I'm gonna try my trial now, only like 5 days left, first time I downloaded the game it was corrupt, and the servers bandwidth for downloading really sucked big time, so I ended up going to bed and not downloading again til the next day.. but.. here I am.

Re: Visiting a New World

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:33 pm
by marct
lyrall wrote:so I ended up going to bed and not downloading again til the next day.. but.. here I am.
Well bandwidth is really not an issue once you are in-game. We are glad to have you. As mentioned in other posts. Everyone is willing to help you out. Post in this forum, ask in region or send /tell to anyone whom has offered assistance in the past. Even the random /tell spam is pretty cool.

/who shows everyone in region

hope you enjoy, and get off the starter island as soon as you are comforatble with the mechanics.
