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Maximum HP loss during play

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 7:31 am
by guhack

I've ticketed this item three times and now submitting it to the board. IF you have any helpful insight or experience similar issues, please do respoond.

I'm currently a melee fighter 62nd season, & for the past three of four days have had this bug plague me to the point of insanity. During, or shortly after combat my total maximum HP is being reduced. This is not the direct result of malus or DP's, and is not simply a display issue; as my total amount of hit points is reduced until I relog.

To verify this issue not being a display problem, I continued one evening till I was 175 HP off my maximum. Screenshots displaying 2 strikes rounding 270-285 killed my character; currently 650 HP - 175 from the bug.

This started in increments of 25 & has now ranged from 10 to 30 HP's per accurance as I have been able to guage. Generally an annoyance more then anything else, yet this evening I had to relog three times to clear 100+ loss of HP's. The time frame on this seems to be about 45-90 minutes to lose the stated amount.

Your input is greatly appreciated.

Thank You.