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Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:14 am
by talktalk
The Karavan wish to announce.....
Take heart homins for Jena will descend from the heavens to greet and aid her faithful.
Never, I repeat NEVER will I stand idly by and allow such a false goddess to set foot in our most holy and revered jungle. Should I be so fortunate as to witness her descent then I shall lift up my trusty Zo'Mo-Ka and blast her back to that Javing infested hole from which she spawned.

Let the will of Ma-Duk be done and the warmth of the Kami shine on the faithfull.

Twilight Whispers - ever alert to the teachings of the true god Ma-Duk.

Re: Never!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:28 am
by alibasil
talktalk wrote:Never, I repeat NEVER will I stand idly by and allow such a false goddess to set foot in our most holy and revered jungle. Should I be so fortunate as to witness her descent then I shall lift up my trusty Zo'Mo-Ka and blast her back to that Javing infested hole from which she spawned.

Let the will of Ma-Duk be done and the warmth of the Kami shine on the faithfull.

Twilight Whispers - ever alert to the teachings of the true god Ma-Duk.
Good for you Meph! :D

Im totally with you, i have trouble trying understand any of her "prophecy" and i for sure wont allow her in the jungles of our people. Or in the deserts of our close friends the fyros come to think of it!

Re: Never!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:38 am
by toramo1
Kamis say that this building work must not be allowed to go ahead. Homins are urged to attack the harvest locations and the building sites of these false edifices and to disrupt the work of the evil Karavan.
So this are better word respect our god Jena... kill poor harvest.

Kami and little poor followers, open your eyes or die with yours real eretics god.

Re: Never!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:49 pm
by mrshad

the Kami have shown thier true intenet.
They will not be hapy until all of the homins are dead.
Certainly, they start with those loyal to Jena. They have worked up thier own faithful in to a bloodlust that has been raging for months.

And what a noble tactic! Kill the typical of the kami. Harvesters are their favorite target, aren't they?

But, if the manage to destroy the Karavan followers (and they won't) there will only be the souls fo the decieved to feast on.

Re: Never!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:59 pm
by stijn
mrshad wrote:Indeed.

the Kami have shown thier true intenet.
They will not be hapy until all of the homins are dead.
Certainly, they start with those loyal to Jena. They have worked up thier own faithful in to a bloodlust that has been raging for months.

And what a noble tactic! Kill the typical of the kami. Harvesters are their favorite target, aren't they?

But, if the manage to destroy the Karavan followers (and they won't) there will only be the souls fo the decieved to feast on.
And what would you Karavaniers do when you just drain Atys, and our beautiful planet dies... follow Jena to the next planet and drain that too? Just following here on her devastating trip through the universe?
The Kami are here to make sure that Atys survives!! Jena probably have never even thought about the fact that draining Atys can destroy it! For me it's a "godess" that says "take, take, take" and when they drained the planet just says "next, next, next" :mad:
When so comes to Atys I'll be happy to aid you Mephisto in kicking Jena's *ss :mad:

OOC: srr for the English :s