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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:31 am
by mattcros
Well I figured id come here while I wait for all these updates to go through... my hard drive is super old and slow so its going to take ages, it takes longer to uncompress than to download them...anyway...
Is there anything thats a must read or must know that I should check out before playing much?
EDIT:// Also, is Zorai a good class for starting out with? Or does it really matter?
Re: Howdy
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:33 am
by lienem
Hi and welcome to Atys
First of all, Zorai isn't a class, it's a race... and as far as playing the game, it doesn't matter much what race you choose. You might want to read the Lore pages on this site before you choose your character though, maybe one of the types of Homins would suit you better
As far as guides, check the player made guides on the forums, as well as these threads, they might have some tips for you. If not, feel free to ask here, on Klients or ig, and someone is bound to answer you.
Enjoy your stay
Re: Howdy
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:12 am
by mattcros
Thanks, i decided to go with Zorai because they seem to be the casters.
So far I enjoy this game, good features not too complex (eq2) but im about to break it... i need an extraction to the tutorials.
Re: Howdy
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:27 am
by magick1
Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy your stay.
Some of the lore is a bit dated, so the only differences on the races, at the moment, is appearence, land they begin in and base fame. Anyways...
As a fellow Zorai I must applaud your choise of race, if you need help around Witherings (Zorai mainland) or anywhere else for that matter, don't hesitate to ask around (or in region or /tell).
Re: Howdy
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:13 pm
by marct
It is a fine day when another homin has entered the wonderful land of Atys. You will enjoy your stay I am sure.
Since you are digging, a little tip, on the starter island, you can only dig items to Q20 so do not waste the skill points on buying the Q30 extractions while you are there. Also, if you dig the bubbles that pop up themselves you do not gain a nifty little bonus which is that when you finish digging a bubble(source) that you or another Homin prospected, your focus will go back to where it was when you started digging that bubble. Helpful to keep moving and not have to wait to regenerate focus.
Re: Howdy
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:55 pm
by riveit
mattcros wrote:// Also, is Zorai a good class for starting out with? Or does it really matter?
Welcome. The different races are the same in abilities. The appearances and home regions are different. Jungle for the Zorai, lakelands for the Tryker, desert for Fyros and forest for Matis. The regions differ slightly in population and offer slightly differing challenges. Possibly the largest difference is that Zorai and Fyros traditionally worship the Kami, while Trykers and Matis owe allegiance to the Karavan - however, one can change that religio-political stance easily by doing missions for the other side.
Re: Howdy
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:16 pm
by acridiel
Jup, welcome to Atys.
Enjoy the ride
Re: Howdy
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:35 am
by mattcros
Thanks for the welcomes
Got a good guild (Atys Paladins) and am already a 69 healer, 40melee, 39 off magic.