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Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:37 pm
by riveit
The Tryker Assemby is gathered in Fairhaven in the late afternoon of a beautiful summer day. Riveit rises again to address them, to the sound of some faint cheers and a few scattered boos.

“My fellow Trykers, we all know that we don’t agree on much. I see some fervent Karavan champions and some disciplines of the Kamis out there, along with followers of the great Tryker, Elias Tryton. I see partisans of Governor Styler and I see his detractors. Some would fight alongside the Matis and others against them. But there is one thing that we all agree upon. That never again will Trykers be slaves! Our grandparents fought for and won our freedom under the leadership of the heroine Loria. Freedom was dearly bought and must be vigilantly defended. Why do I bring this topic up, you ask? We are free now and not threatened with chains. Not so! There are Slavers working in the Lakelands now. In Bounty Beaches, they have a camp where they capture and enslave Trykers. These evil vermin are Fyros and Matis, working together. I know this because I recently scouted the area. I saw Tryker slaves in their camp. Who are they you ask? I don't know exactly, I only saw them labeled as SLAVE. There were two females and one male Tryker. The male could have been Rakujitsu’s twin brother. One young lady looked a younger version of Kyerna, while the female with close-cropped purple hair looked like she could have been Pero’s sister. Who is buying these slaves, I wonder? I do not know, although I have seen one homin with the gall to bring a slave in the Fount. Will you allow the Lakelands to be populated with slaves? Will you allow your families to be enslaved?

Tryker warparties have gone flushed out these Slavers on several occasions. However, they just spawn back and settle back into their lair in Bounty Beaches. Who supports them and spawns them back, you might ask? The Karavan does, that’s who! A Karavan flyer hovers about the Slaver camp. They are allied to the Karavan. I know that many will not hear a critical word spoken about the Karavan. They saved us from the kitin. They spawn us back to life and allow us to use their teleporters to travel across Atys. But even so, Trykers will not be slaves again. Better to die the final death than to spend eternity as a slave. Jena, Mother of us all, cannot approve of having her children enslaved. I believe that the Karavan have made a mistake in supporting these Slavers in Bounty Beaches. We love Jena but we will not be enslaved with the help of her Karavan servants.

I propose that we petition the Karavan to withdraw their alliance with these evil Slavers. Trykers cannot be taken for granted. Trykers, sign up now and demand that the Karavan cease to aid these Slavers and no longer count them as allies. I sign my name below as the first on this petition.

Riveit, Tryker of Fairhaven

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:32 am
by tylarth
It is not a matter for the Karavan nor Kami. It is purely an issue of Homins and how Homins behave and react to each other. The Higher powers are not concerned with the precise means of their followers, there are tribes of both powers the espouse all manner of immoral behavior from slavery, smuggling, murder, robbery, theft to name obvious ones. Is the behavior of the Corsairs robbing the livelihood of merchants any better than slavery, thats assuming they kill no-one in their robbery?

To Petition the karavan in this manner will fail, as much as petitioning kami to not support their followers. Homin values change and the karavan and kami accept them if their beliefs and practices are mainstream or not, so long as they follow the powers beliefs.

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:05 am
by legokid
Riveit dont do this i dont want be be your enemy but if you betray Jena and her followers i will leave FairHeaven and join my brothers the Silt.I know im just a scribe, a young ArchMage, and the keeper of the Lost Tale but will not let your destory my only chance of finding my sister Aqua. Jena, the karavan and the fryos are the ones who help save us. Jena destoryed the Great Dragon and saved everyone and you still want to go against her.There has been to much blood shade because the karavan and the kami are at war you want another war?! I joined H.O.P.E because i dont want anymore bloodshade but if you want war then you have a new enemy.If you want a war and destory my chance of finding my sister then fine.But becareful im not called Windra becuase i come from a long of elemental warriors and mages but my gift.All the trykers want is peace,love,and freedom and i stand by it. If you ruin our dream watch youself the winds have ears.......Plus think beyond what we see this may be a trick from the kami.After all they ruled the forest when we were slaves this may be a trick and the karavn are trying to convert the slaves.We have to look beyond what we see.

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:33 am
by seawe
Ahh Tylarth you have a small point but it is horribly overshadowed by reality... How can Trykers stand to ally themselves with a group who supports those who enslave us?? This is just not acceptable, and needs to be remedied. Trykers haven't fought all these years to just be enslaved again, and we (i hope) aren't fools enough to follow those who support such a plan.

I agree with Riveit that the Karavan should explain themselves. And desist their close relations with this tribe. As a merchant myself i can say the Corsairs have given me very little trouble, and its certainly not nearly the same issue.

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:23 pm
by vguerin
Your fingers should be pointed towards a war with the Fyros, that is not a mixed race tribe. It is a Fyros tribe that serves Jena, in turn they get a Karavan rep in their camp. The Karavan only care about those that serve Jena, your problem is with the Fyros.

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:20 pm
by riveit
Tylarth, I love our Mother Jena. I hope to stand at her side proud, if not tall, on the next world. I believe that she does not want her Tryker children enslaved. I think that her servants, the Karavan, try to do the best for homins, but they are not divine and make mistakes. Supporting these vile Slavers is just such a mistake. For Trykers, slavery is a uniquely abhorrent evil, we all feel it in our bones. Perhaps as a Matis you do not understand.

Windra, I am calling for a petition to the Karavan, not a war. Let us see if the Karavan will listen and respond to the voice of Trykers. Will they respect us as allies or turn their opaque gaze upon us?

Doubletap, I have done my homework. The Slavers are led by a Fyros, Diolus Mekops, a Fyros, but the tribe is half Fyros and half Matis. They are friendliest toward the Matis and cooler toward the Fyros. Perhaps this means that their customers are Matis? I can't say for sure. The only slaveowner that I have personally seen is one homin named Hebre. If he or any other slaveowners do not free their slaves, I promise to draw my sword against them whenever they cross my path.

Trykers, where are you? Jinn, Pipp, Gywidion, you voiced your support to me but I do not see you here adding your names. What is the opinion of the guilds? Evolution, Ballistic Mystix, Wanderlust, Illuminati, Nexus, Atys Ghosts, Red Ribbon Army, Band of Hawks and Darkmoor Rangers what do you say?

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:12 pm
by mostevil
Dearist Riveit, If you have done your homework why do you threaten my High Officer (Hebre) with one hand and extend the other in friendship to my guild?

If i am the only one who see's this as strange please let me know.

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 9:55 pm
by thosholm
The Tryker and Matis governments have both signed and ratified the Homin Rights Act.

Liberty is the most basic and fundamental of those rights. Slavery is the involuntary removal of liberty.

As a Tryker and a Hominist I can therefore only support this petition.

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:06 pm
by akm72
I do not speak for my guild on this, but for myself; I strongly oppose all slavery! Homins are not property to be used and discarded by others on a whim! The relationship between the Bounty Beach Slavers and both the Karavan and Matis government shows where they stand on this important issue!! If they want the assistance of the Trykers in their stupid war, they had better be willing to discard their slaver friends!

Re: Petition the Karavan to End Slavery!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:31 pm
by danolt
I am pleased to see one of my officers take initiative and champion those who are in need. While I agree with your motive, your means are flawed. I have some questions I would like you to consider.

Are you suggesting we attempt to dictate whom the Karavan or Kami should support? What if we are to succeed? Do we want only some Homins respawned, while other are forever lost? What will be the bases of this judgment? Who will decide? Why limit oblivion to just slavers? Why not annihilate those who support the opposing faction or those who follow another path? For that matter, why not follow your own suggestion and "free" the enslaved with absolute destruction. It is a dangerous, dangerous path you tread.

We are in the Ryzom, the endless possibility of paths. Our choices are writ in sand. Occasionally that sand can turn to stone, an action might become substance. But it is the individual's choice which lives forever, not the effect of that choice.

If you want the slaves freed, free them. If you want the slavers out, destroy them. If they return, do it again. It is your choice, not the Karavan's.

Do not put the responsibility of fighting slavery upon the Karavan. Do not ask for their help. Homins enslaving each other has nothing to do with them.

Pick up your sword, let others follow.
