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The Slavers in Bounty Beaches

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:03 pm
by riveit
(I moved this piece of a Guild forum thread here to its rightful rp home)
petej wrote: You may also like to check the Slavers tribe in Bounty Beaches , they are a Karavan and Matis aligned tribe compised to renegade Fyros
riveit wrote:I questioned the Matis authorities and received the explanation that their physicians were assisting a Karavan hospital unit to treat these unfortunate Fyros who were suffering from Goo influences. The Fyros were warped and addicted to Goo sniffing after spending too much time in Zorai lands.
I have now gone several times into Bounty Beaches to investigate the Slavers. I disguised myself as a short Fyros in a yubo heavy armor mask and entered their camp. I saw no slaves there and wondered if they might be enslaving the local cutes. The tribe is half Fyros and half Matis, with the ratios changing between my visits. I looked around and agreed to do some tasks for hire. After gathering torbak hair for them (thanks Artisans, Spiff and Kwinn for your unknowing help!), discovered their true intentions. They have and intend to enslave more Trykers! They are the enemy of Trykers. Friends of the Karavan and enemies of the Kamis.

Needless to say, I am greatly disappointed in the Karavan for sheltering this renegade tribe. I am affronted that they carry on their activities right in the Lakelands - even on an important travel route. So I am asking for two things. Can anyone tell me who gives out missions to fight these marauding slavers so that I can pick some up? Also who will join me in wiping out this menace to our beautiful Lakelands? Who will help me extinguish the scourge of slavery?

Re: The Slavers in Bounty Beaches

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:33 pm
by redcoat9
Are you by any chance aligned with the same karavan that allows such travesty?

Re: The Slavers in Bounty Beaches

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:15 am
by tylarth
from zorai history

Slavery accepted on continent of Witherings to combat the goo."

So the Kami don't really get overly concerned in regard to slavery either.
however in 2518 all 4 govt. signed the 'Homin rights Act' abolishing slavery.

Re: The Slavers in Bounty Beaches

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:25 am
by petej
You miss a vital fact that goes with that :-


Disorder follows death of Hoi-Cho who leaves no heir. End of Cho dynasty.
Old sage, Fung-Tun becomes leader of the Zorais in spite of growing popularity of the young Mabreka Cheng-Ho who challenges fervently rejects Kami supremacy as the instrument of Jena . Fung-Tun reinstates Jena as Kami Superior and banishes Mabreka who finds refuge in Pyr.
Hamazans of the Dead Seed tribe first implemented in Witherings to combat goo worshippers.
Slavery accepted on continent of Witherings to combat the goo.

Jena (the Karavan) were the prime faction for Zorai at the time of Slavery , it was the usurper Fung-Tun who introduced slavery under the guidance of Jena who had no doubt poisoned his mind -leading to his later downfall from insanity . Insanity attributed by history to Goo contaimination , but take a close look at the Karavan aligned Tribes in Witherings and youl noticed their fondness/fasination with the Goo , its clear to me whos hand was responcible