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Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:20 pm
by chaoman1
Hello all. Just a quick ditty to say hello since I see so many others doing it. Taking an assessment of the game here on a trial (as I can - dern work, wife, family can be a bit of a timesink. ;) ). A semi-casual player by nature and a seasoned MMO/MMORPG/RPG player, I look forward to getting something of a look around and seeing how things stand here.

I started up a Fyros last night -- but likely I'll be switching to a different toon soon -- but I think I have the gist of the classless system and how I should try and operate.

Now If i could only get missions to be able to pop up on my compass point.. ;)

See you in game!

Re: Greetings

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:08 pm
by kibsword
Welcome to Atys! :D