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Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:42 pm
by keoni
This auction is for a q250 focus jewelry set (in tryker pattern, made with fine mats and the durability rite bonus) that was crafted before the patch which introduced level restrictions on jewels - so anyone can wear them. The 'currency' for this auction is not dappers, but grinding seeds - any land, q200 and up, fine/basic/choice whatever.
  • Auction closes Wednesday, Sep 7, 6 PM EDT (GMT-5)
  • Starting bid is 1000 mats
  • Minimum bid increments is 100 mats
  • Each bid placed within 15 minutes of the auction close, extends the closing time by 15 minutes from that bid.
  • Please only post here if you have a serious qualifying bid
Let's try to keep this and all auctions as friendly and forthright as possible. :) Bright blessings, all.

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:55 pm
by magick1
My bid: 1000 (q250) seeds

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:38 pm
by cygnus
My bid - 1500 ql 250 seeds

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:09 am
by keoni
cygnus wrote:My bid - 1500 ql 250 seeds
Thank you for your bids - and just by way of clarification, for the purposes of this auction, all seeds q200 and up are equivalent. I have thousands of q200 amber that need grinding ;)

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:11 pm
by keoni
About four hours left, & shameless bumpity-bump :)

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:17 pm
by calel
Considering such a set can always prove usefull:

2000 ql200 seeds

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:01 pm
by sprite
2100 q200 anything :p

(oh and EDT is BST-5, not GMT-5 ;) )

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:11 pm
by calel
Nvm what I wrote here earlier.

Anyways, if he' s still in:

2200 ql200 seeds

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:27 pm
by keoni
Hey all - sorry for being off on my time zone thing...

Although the extra mats would be nice, Spriteh's bid was time-stamped one minute after auction end time. So, Kyerna wins the auction with the 2000 mat bid. Congrats to you, Miss Atys :cool:

However, Spriteh... (so hopefully everyone will go away happy)... you can have one of other legacy focus sets for the 2100 mats, if you like. :)

Re: Auction: legacy q250 focus jewels (no level restrictions) for grind mats

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:38 pm
by sprite
keoni wrote:Spriteh's bid was time-stamped one minute after auction end time. ... you can have one of other legacy focus sets for the 2100 mats, if you like. :)
Doh! :o

Hehe, will talk to you ingame :)