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Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:03 pm
by stellus
My initial response to stores only selling up to Q25 was that they were, in a way, trying to force us to get us out there on our own and harvest the goods ourselves (which is perfectly fine). However, it's starting to backfire. This is just something that I am beginning to notice while trying to craft certain goods (this is in no way complaint, merely a few observations in which I invite others to respond with their opinions):
Crafting Ammo: is becoming very difficult. Because using a ranged weapon demands so much ammo for such a short time of leveling, crafting proportional ammo is becoming much more difficult. I currently carry a Q50 Tryker pistol (not your mother's blowdryer
) and I know that harvesting tons of materials just to make a few batches of ammo is extremely time consuming.
The reason being is that for armor or weapons, you can harvest the materials needed and that item you craft using those materials last you several days if not weeks. Whereas crafting ammo only lasts a few minutes to an hour, therefore not justifying the time taken to gather the materials.
This is only in my opinion however. I would like to hear yours. How do you all feel about basic store materials being limited to Q25? Should there be higher Quality materials available to us?
As a separate idea, perhaps fame could tie into available store goods. Maybe the higher the fame you gain, the more materials are presented to you within town stores.
Good luck to all in game! Have fun!
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:07 pm
by ayne31
As it is now even storebought Q5mats are a waste on ammo
Seriously I dont want a change regarding availability but with NPC-Vendors coming soon you'll be able to buy player harvested/quatered mats of all quality anyway.
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:11 pm
by stellus
This is good news. I'd also like to add that NPC's aren't selling anything in other towns on the mainland. Is there a reason for this?
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:14 pm
by ayne31
If we could allready buy from merchants what others sell to them crafting and foraging would drop for 75%+ and we'd had nothing else to do than camp mobs.
No joke or sarcasm intended - I Do mean this.
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:16 pm
by tekkor
ayne31 wrote:As it is now even storebought Q5mats are a waste on ammo
Seriously I dont want a change regarding availability but with NPC-Vendors coming soon you'll be able to buy player harvested/quatered mats of all quality anyway.
Yeah I think some of those issues will clear up once they implement the npc re-sell feature. Then you will have a fair amount of people dumping thier mats in the npc for someone like you to buy and make ammo if you dont want to go harvest it all up yourself.
The only other thing they could do i think is perhaps raise the quantity of ammo you get from each sucessful crafting. That would help a msall bit I think.
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:30 pm
by korin77
ayne31 wrote:If we could allready buy from merchants what others sell to them crafting and foraging would drop for 75%+ and we'd had nothing else to do than camp mobs.
No joke or sarcasm intended - I Do mean this.
There is no competition. The quality of the mats from the NPCs are low compaired to the fine and choice mats from players. However those crafting misssions require ql 30-40 items and without those crappy npc mats available, it becomes difficult to craft mission items just for practice. I don't mind higher ql mats not available but I think it should be raised to ql 40 mats from NPCs.
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:05 pm
by ente33
Ah, a fellow ammo crafter at last!
I can make around 71 DMG ammo from the fine Q25 mats from the raw material merchant in Davae. I made a Q50 clip from Q50 fine mats (as was pointed out to me, choice mats have zero stats right now), with a DMG preview far higher than what I get from the store mats, and it came out with 18 DMG. Have you encountered similar results? I had another post on this, but it may have gotten buried by now. I'm wondering if there is a max DMG per Q-level, and if you exceed it, it wraps around from 0 again? I haven't had the time to get samples of different types of mats so I can experiment like I would like. Just wondering if I'm the only one that has made ammo with high DMG value mat-stats and ended up with DMG ratings lower than lower value mat-stats?
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:02 pm
by svayvti
I don't think higher quality materials should be available. I do however think that harvesters should be able to get more items out of a pull even from the beginning.
I think that both harvesting and ranged combat need a massive overhaul they desperately needed in beta but never got. I understand ranged combat's problems, but the solution needs to not further hurt another hurting skill set.
Lighter ammo, cheaper ammo, and more ammo per craft, and ammo that uses fewer materials should be implemented.
The solution isn't to cut other players out of the picture with NPC vendors, but to better enable players to support each other.
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:36 pm
by stellus
I think a bigger problem with range crafting is the expense of learning different types of ammo plans. It's 100 SP for each type of ammo per type of gun. That's over 1400+ SP to spend on ammo types alone. Ouch!
Re: Thoughts on Available Mats from Stores
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:22 pm
by moriant
I like the merchants how they are currently. I think it helps promote the player economy better as any item over q25 has to be player made from player harvested mats.
As for the mention of increasing the amount a harvester can pull. It does seem a little slow, but I think that it adds to the value of those player crafted items made from great hand picked mats. You know some effort went into it.
At 50+ harvest its not difficult to be pulling 3 to 4 mats at a time. As a weapons crafter this seems a fairly reasonable rate to me, though I admit heavy armor crafters would probably argue differently.